The country students Committee and the Crowdfunding platform GoFundMe want to work together to promote projects against bullying.

The projects should be prepared by students for students, since “We know best, where there are problems. As soon as we start students, us for each other, you automatically create a sense of togetherness,” says country students spokeswoman Eileen Hager the campaign. “Bullying at schools in Berlin is a real and all-too-often underestimated Problem that we want to fight with our action, WE are AGAINST BULLYING.”

as Of today, will be able to submit students of their projects and for financial assistance to apply. The promotion runs until 11. March. A Jury will select at least five existing and five new projects for funding. Exactly where the idea starts, is left to the students themselves, of prevention measures to appeal bodies, anything is possible.

supporters will be able to GoFundMe money donations

The ten winning projects will then be with 1000 Euro reward If more money comes along, but can also promote more projects or non-profit organizations are supported, in Germany against bullying in schools.

Under the keyword #wirgegen bullying supporters can donate money. In the call for donations on the Website from GoFundMe, it is stated: “We appeal to the adults, to make their contribution, because we do it well.”

The death of an eleven-year-old elementary student who was repeatedly become the victim of bullying, has ignited the discussion for dealing with the Problem again.

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