It is bad for the staffing levels in the Danish prisons, where one in march had 3500 guards, which was not occupied.

– This is the overriding issue in the Danish prisons right now. The problem is large in the copenhagen prisons, and the same applies down in the new prison in northwestern falster, denmark, Bo, Grant Sorensen, acting president of the Fængselsforbundet.

– these are just some examples. There is virtually not any prisons, who does not have the problems, he adds

Also the open prisons is affected by the problems.

– Tag, for example, zealand in denmark, the horserød. Missing here every fourth position to be occupied.

– It is, among other things, in addition to betjentenes security, and then hits it of course the inmates, says forbundsformanden.

He tells us, that man now has given priority to the hard security, while the contact with the prisoners is a low priority.

popularly speaking, so manning the we the city walls, while the inmates are allowed to fit themselves. That is not a lot of time on rehabilitation. And at the same time, they are left to fend for themselves, which in turn means that it is the strong prisoners, who gets to set the agenda in particular the open fængslers belægningsafsnit, assesses the Stay Provide Sørensen.

He says that Probation is aware of the problems and at the same time trying to do something about them. However, not all solutions are equally appropriate.

Bo Provide Sørensen describes how to through the later years has tried to streamline itself out of the problems. It involves working with lower staff-nomeringer and changes of vagtskemaer.

you have To use twenty employees, then it is revised downwards to 15. And so one has the bottle to do anything about the issue, and on paper it looks the problems are now smaller.

– But in the real world the problems are still there, even if you have tried to hide behind the streamlining, believe Stay Provide Sørensen.

At the Copenhagen Prisons have problems close up on the body. Copenhagen Prisons include Prison, ” Vestre fængsel, Blegdamsvejs Prison and Politigårdens Prison:

– Here first of april, and we are well 70 employees. It is 1400 guards, which is not staffed at the start of the month, so it does not look good, says David Jensen, who is one of three representatives at the Copenhagen Prisons.

– It has implications for the staff, they are pressed. We never know whether we have free, or you suddenly get called to work.

– Can my family count on me to come home, or they can reckon with the fact that I truly have their weekends free or if I get called into work, sounds from David Jensen.

One of those brands personalemanglen on your own body, is the inmates Claus Stokholm Larsen, who is serving a drabsdom in Storstrøm Prison.

In a letter to Ekstra Bladet he tells that the inmates sitting on the cell twelve hours a day, and that is cut down for more forms of interaction.

It has Claus Stokholm, incidentally, complained to both the prison and Probation service and miscellaneous retsordførere.

‘Probation is nationwide in a bemandingsproblematik, which has led to increased pressure on officers in the form of significantly more overtime, while at the same time we have many inmates. There is no quick solution to the problem,’ writes the communications department of Probation in an email to Ekstra Bladet.

‘But Prisons have launched initiatives that will contribute to reduce the personaleunderskuddet,’ writes the on.

‘for Example, there are several sites initiated increased indelukning of the inmates in order to save human resources. We have launched a very ambitious recruitment strategy, and working feverishly to get hired more prison guards, just as we have employed additional transportbetjente.

We also started with a afgangsanalyse, more precisely, to show why the prison guards choose to leave the job’, says the mailsvaret.

the minister of Justice, mr Søren Pape Poulsen (C) has the following comment:

– Our prison guards make a big effort in a pressured time, and their safety is extremely important. I have a real focus on, and I know, Probation also has, he writes.