damage to the traffic of the environment and the health of the population deals, are rising rapidly: Within just five years, the costs have increased to 1 billion Swiss francs and amounted in 2015 to 11.8 billion. The results of a survey by the Federal office of statistics presented yesterday to the media. Be paid to the so-called external cost of the polluter, but by third parties or the General public. They arise from damage to buildings, or from health problems such as Asthma, caused by air pollution.

by far The highest environmental and health costs of road traffic caused by: Alone is 9.5 11.8 billion Swiss francs to his account. The costs of the air transport sector (1.2 billion) and rail transport (1 billion), are much lower. However, the traffic volume on the road is significantly greater than that on the Rail; and 70 per cent of all routes in the domestic back to the Swiss with cars, motorcycles, buses or Trams.

train pay more

The users of motorised private transport is paid, however, a large part of the total cost itself, i.e. 86 percent. To count the total costs, including those for the vehicle for the infrastructure and for accidents in addition to the external costs. In the air transport sector, this proportion is high (81 per cent). But, although the passengers for a noise – and emission-based landing fee need to pay, the public costs of 1.1 billion Swiss francs.

In the public transport, the passengers will only have to pay nearly 50 percent of the costs themselves, what is politically desirable; the population should be more use of public transport and less by car or motorbike. However, they also had to participate in 2015, more of the costs than in the previous years: The public sector had invested a lot of money in the infrastructure, for example, in the Neat, and a part of the expenditure was passed on to the passengers.

10 million more airline passengers

Switzerland, The mobility and Swiss a lot of cost: 89.7 billion Swiss francs for expenditure in 2015 for the motorised traffic, even more than for health care (77.6 billion). This represents an increase of 4 percent.

Since 2010, the cost of the different means of transport, however, is very different, such as Georges-Simon Ulrich, Director of the Federal office for statistics, the media said. Increased the most, by 14 per cent, the cost of air travel. They amounted in 2015 to 6.4 billion Swiss francs. In that year, 49.4 million passengers landed or took off at a Swiss airport – 10 million more than five years previously. Thus, the costs increased but less strongly than the number of passengers and the airlines, is driven by the low-cost providers, were able to increase the efficiency. They used larger planes, loaded the planes themselves better and strokes unprofitable flights.

150 francs

go in a traffic jam, lost Rather surprisingly, the cost in road transport fell between 2012 and 2015 to 72 billion Swiss francs. One kilometre in a passenger car, at a cost of only 79 cents instead of how in 2010, 85 cents. The reason is the decline in the number of accidents alone. All other costs, such as for infrastructure, the vehicle and the environment, remained stable.

When it comes to the political debate about whether the road network is to be expanded further, criticizing the advocates of each of that in a traffic jam, a lot of time is lost. The so-called traffic-time costs, however, are not high: The survey shows only 150 Swiss francs per Person.

users should pay more

The volume of traffic will also increase in the coming years, said Ulrich Seewer, Deputy Director of the Federal office for spatial development. If no measures are taken, predicts the Federal office for public transport to increase by 50 percent within the next 20 years. To counter this, could the infrastructure be better utilised, said Seewer. However, it should also discuss whether the users are internal and users in the form of higher ticket prices or higher oil participate tax more to the cost. (Tages-Anzeiger.ch/Newsnet)

Created: 08.04.2019, 21:16 PM