Morten Lindberg, better known as Master Fatman is dead. He was 53 years old.

It confirms his employer, Radio24syv, on behalf of the family.

The sad news begrædes of dj-colleague Dan Rachlin.

– We had an energy and underforståethed, when we saw each other, and I was very fond of him. He has always – also in the periods where Dan Rachlin was neither modern or particularly smart – always expressed great respect for what I stood for. We have respected each other, and I have kept much of him. I’m super, super sorry that he has checked out so early, says a clearly touched Dan Rachlin to Ekstra Bladet.

Dj and radio host Dan Rachlin. Photo: Peter Gravesen

He says that he and Master Fatman was not dense, but they had a professional relationship, as Dan Rachlin valued.

– I have known Morten in 30 years. Like everyone else I learned to know him as an incredibly giving, generous and loving man. The kærlighedsting, he had in public was not something he had undertaken. Such he was, says Dan Rachlin.

Danish celebrity Master Fatman is dead: Was only 53 years old

For him it is important to emphasize that the happy guy we saw in the media and by the dj, was not taken. Such was the Master Fatman also private. He cared about other people, says Dan Rachlin, who particularly remember one anecdote that illustrates his point.

some years ago I was for the first and perhaps last time at the people meeting on Bornholm, where I played in a tent. In the course of the evening, I was both well full and warped by means of cute natives. I stayed at a hotel a little outside the town of Allinge, and could neither find out of the city or to the hotel. When I finally find out, on the road leading to the hotel, counting on it to such an extent that I was thinking, about my last hour is come, and if I must die on the island of Bornholm.

– On the road is that a motorist who stops. The door is opened and I am asked whether I want a lift. The car is being driven by Master Fatman. They could not know that it was me, who went there in the rain and the storm, and it says how to set it all. He was a man who kærede on the other, says Dan Rachlin.

the Master Fatman is dead. Photo: Jens Dresling

Through a long life as dj Dan Rachlin could not avoid to admire his colleague.

– He was a caring, embracing human being musically and culturally. For Morten there was no good and bad taste. He had a completely different take on being a dj, than I have. Where I is the more traditional, playing the hits that people expect, so he had a more surprising approach to it. His entire professional career has been influenced by the fact that he took chances, and could not be put in the crib. I have had huge respect for and enjoyed at a distance. He found all the time new angles, we need the originals, as do their own thing, says Dan Rachlin and rounds of.

– I will remember him for his curiosity, spaciousness, and love.

the Master Fatman leaves a wife and five children.

Mindeordene for Master Fatman is beginning to fill the social media. Among them, that pays tribute to the Master Fatman, is secretary-general Anders Ladekarl. It can be read below: