16. January received the family Garden a message from those who claim to have Anne-Elisabeth Hagen (68), who has been missing for 12 weeks. This confirmed the family’s lawyer Thursday afternoon.
– This is not any evidence of heartbeat or evidence that it is these that have Anne-Elisabeth. On behalf of the family I will first emphasize on the fact that they think it is positive that they have been contacted after the announcement, said the lawyer, Svein Holden.
Nevertheless perceived it as a sign that the Garden is alive and that the family can get her back. At the same time asked the assistance of counsel to get in better and different contact with the other party.
RECEIVED MESSAGE: Family, the Garden’s lawyer, Svein Holden, tells that the family has received a message from those who claim that they have Anne-Elisabeth Garden. Photo: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more Will not comment on the content
with respect to the investigation will not overbetjent Christian Berge in the East police district to comment on the contents of the communication, or why the police waited eight days to disclose this.
the Family has received messages from suspected kidnappers
I can confirm that there is a message, but kommunikasjonsplattformen is not suitable for ordinary communication. We have a need for the other party to meet us on a different platform.
He says that the police support the family in the decision to address to the counterpart through the media again.
this Is a message that went directly to the family or Out the Garden?
I can neither confirm it one way or the other. I can confirm that there has come a message on this platform. We support the legal aid lawyer Holden has announced today.
TIPSMOTTAKET: Politioverbetjent Christian Berge in the Eastern police district in tipsmottaket at Gardermoen police station. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix Show more Løsepengekrav
the Message was received on the same digital platform as the requirement of the ransom previously been promoted on the.
Løsepengekravet will supposedly be on the nine million euros in kryptovalutaen Monero. Salvage will not confirm that this is true, or say something about the communication takes place via this kryptovalutatjenesten.
– I can say that it is a digital communications platform. We see that the case and written about Monero, but we have not commented on this with respect to the investigation.
CAN’T SAY MUCH: a Lawyer Svein Holden tells us that they have received a message from the suspected kidnappers of Anne-Elisabeth Garden. Much more detailed can they not be – Video: Nicolai Delebekk. Reporter: Audun Hageskal Show more – No warranty
Author and former in Jørn Lier Horst believes this communication forces the police hovedhypotese that Anne-Elisabeth Hagen is abducted.
AUTHOR: Jørn Lier Horst. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix Show more
– The teeth of course a hope that this can get a happy outcome. At the same time, there is no guarantee that this is the real perpetrators who are behind. It is clear that once one has called for contact, so there may be others who make use of the opportunity.
the Family’s lawyer had not given a press conference since the matter became known, and it is the police that has previously been informed about the further steps in the matter. Horst believes that it is reasonable that today’s message came from the assistance of counsel, and not the police.
– the Counterparty wants to keep the police outside. It to maintain a dialogue with a view to the exchange or disclosure, it is first and foremost a family or a counsel for them that should stand for, ” says Horst.
Can be diversion
During the press conference selected a lawyer Holden to repeat the main idea in English.
There may be people who do not speak English that follow this press conference, ” said Holden.
Horst says this is reasonable, and call it a smart maneuver.
– It is well English this limited communication has been going on, and it may be that those who are behind do not necessarily speak English. Many Norwegian media have also posted English-language articles, as this is of interest for abroad.
at the same time, the use of English or broken English be a diversion or an attempt to cover over the tracks, says Horst.
– You have seen cases of bank robbery where the robbers spoke English, even though they are Norwegian, ” he says.
MISSING: Police believe Anne-Elisabeth Hagen was abducted from her home in Lørenskog, 31. October of last year. Video: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more Special communication
as with Horst, points out that private investigator Finn Abrahamsen that there is certainly the potential gjerningspersonene speak Norwegian, and that it thus can be naturally that the message goes out in a different language.
private investigator: Find Abrahamsen. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB scanpix Show more
– in General, we should use languages other than English in such cases. When the prisoners one also up to people who are not good in English, but is resident here, ” says the former polititoppen to the Newspaper.
The communication the any the kidnappers have with the relatives and the police is very special, believe Abrahamsen.
The big question is what kind of people are behind these messages and how real this is.
Highly curious
Privatetterforskeren emphasizes that he does not know anything other than what is brought up in the news.
” But for me, the whole story which is very strange in relation to that it has taken so long. There is a danger that other criminals could interfere with the claims in the hope of success. But here the signaling family and police that they need to get the heartbeat, ” says Abrahamsen.
Search for the track in Go: – Can be objects
How this is resolved is of course a hard nut for the police, he adds.
Abrahamsen explains that it is not unusual that other criminal “hanging on”.
– This we have seen examples of other places in the world.
– Increases the recent communication the probability that this is a real kidnapping and not something else?
– It’s too early for outsiders to say anything about. How this signal is interpreted and whether it is associated with the first communication, is something the police and the assistance of counsel keeps close to her chest. There they must do if they are to succeed.
Police believe the investigation in the forsvinningssaken