Author Marlene Torm Gertsen has made a number of well-known danes a simple question; namely, ‘What should be on your tombstone?’

the Responses are gathered in a book, published at the end of this month. Here you can read a number of funny, thoughtful and honest gravmæletekster, that says a lot about the natural approach to life and relationship to death.

Among the respondents is the 79-year-old actress Asger Aamund, who tells that he has decided to join with the humorous text:

‘I’m working on a comeback’.

– I know, it becomes something of a challenge, but I am born as a happy and incorrigible optimist who believes that everything turns for the better. I am sure that where there is a will, there is a way’, says Delillo in the book.

Asger Aamund is not in doubt, what should stand on his tombstone, when he again from here. Photo: Niels Hougaard

the Author, Marlene Torm Gertsen, got the idea when she, in a conversation with Naser Khader heard him say: ‘On my tombstone should read: ‘Continuation follows’.

It made her wonder over the thoughts as we all go about life and death, and what words different danes want to leave as their last.

– I love to discover new sides of people. The last quote is often a sweeping statement, which is a picture of all of what has been learned in a life. There are so many layers and aspects in the quotes, and it takes courage to pass on. These brave people I have the desire to fold out, so we just get a glimpse at more of them, says Marlene Torm Gertsen.

Bettina Aller, director of Aller Holding and the adventurer, have a clear message with its gravmæletekst, which reads:

‘just Think, she was really 120 years old, died with a smile on her lips, a bottle of bubbles in hand and chocolate in the corners of the mouth. And thanks for the ride’.

– It should be, because life is an adventure, you just need to step out in it, take all that lovely, and thinking about, that you are not allowed your or dat, you must be so healthy, and you have to be so ’everything’. Just enjoy it, enjoy the ride’, says Bettina Aller of his choice.

Head on Radio24syv, Mikael Bertelsen, have not thought, that there must be something on his gravestone.

in return he has already found the stone, which now stands in his garden and has a very special history, since it is from a trip on the world’s oldest pilgrimage route on the japanese island of Shikoku.

Common to all is their want to the text in their title tell about their approach to life and death. But the book is very much about life. Gravstensteksterne bear not in the least mark of fear of death, but rather the joy of the life, the contributors have, ” says Marlene Torm Gertsen.

in addition to Naser Khader, Asger Aamund, Bettina Aller and Mikael Bertelsen will be in the book could also be read gravstenstekster by, among others, Pia Kjærsgaard, Hella Joof and Finn Nørbygaard. Rane Nature, Claus Meyer.