‘Paradise Hotel’-the pair Simone Hvenegaard Nielsen and Philip May have gone from each other.

on Tuesday he tells that the pair are no longer together.

– I can confirm that Simone and I are gone from each other. More have I not to say right now, ” says Philip May to Ekstra Bladet.

He wants, therefore, not to put words on the reason for the breach, or how he has it with the two now no longer forms the pair.

– I would not comment more about it right now, ” says realitystjernen.

Philip May and Simone Hvenegaard was the big love story 2017 edition of the ’Paradise Hotel’. Here found turtelduerne together for the rolling cameras, and scooped out of each other the title ’Paradise-lovers’.

Because of the warm and wet Paradise-the time in Mexico was swapped out with the everyday life in Denmark, they remained lovers.

the Pair were ‘real’ boyfriends. They were ready to move in together, raise a family and start a life together. But suddenly it went awry between Simone and Philip.

Reality 3. nov. 2017 – at. 18:21 Love burst: Reality-couple goes from each other

the Reality Awards 2018 had the two realitystjerner got a good eye to each other again and could not keep their hands off each other.

– Our hearts are become one again. We’ll become lovers!, announced Philip May the time.

Now their hearts have been shared – yet again.

flash – 13. apr. 2018 – at. 21:45 Love in bloom: Realitypar together again