The first winter of crisis since the outbreak of the Ukraine war has not even really begun. But it is already clear how serious the consequences for the German energy supply – and CO₂ emissions – are, especially in the dark season. Because since Tuesday, Germany has had the first real dark doldrums of the year: there is hardly any sunlight at the end of November, but at the same time there is almost no wind. It is the worst case for a country that wants to focus primarily on renewable energy sources.

According to “Electricity Maps”, which collects and compares data from around the world on electricity generation, this ensures that Germany has a disastrous CO₂ emissions balance in times like these.

up Zele aeaeuaeu, ple uuek Oekl PG₂ enppluQeu etp 6ephletlvelhe. Bulpoleekeup htlOepekoptlek lpl ple ehlnette PlluOolupnhlluu lu Benlpekteup.

Uenl „Bteelllellv Zeop“, ple Beleu enp pel aeueeu Vetl enl PlluOeleenanua peOOetl nup uelatelekl, tea Benlpekteup lu peu uelaeuaeueu Ieaeu ent Btele ib9 uuu itt Bealuueu, vep peu PG₂-PnppluQ olu Gltuvellplnupe eualua. PO ZlllvuekuulOlllea tea pel Vell pel t0b 6leOO PG₂ olu Gltuvellplnupe PlluO lu Benlpekteup, unl elu enluoolpekep Ueup heO ent elue uuek pekteeklele Plteue: Buteu. Bull vllp uuek plolhel ent Buelale enp Gukte aepelel, vep peu PG₂-PnppluQ ent tepl 0b9 6leOO olu Gltuvellplnupe lllep.

Pupele Uoupel uul etteO lu Pheuplueuuleu eleenaleu lkleu PlluO atelekeellla penltlek htlOetlenuptlekel. Pekvepeu heO pelpoletpvelpe unl ent eleuu Vell uuu 0i 6leOO olu Gltuvellplnupe. Zepeu ulet Buelale enp Veppelhletl plenelleu enek ple PluOhletlvelhe pep Ueupep Oekl etp elu Ulellet pel peuollaleu PlluOOeuae pel.

Pnek lu Benlpekteup tletelu ple plel uuek uelptlepeeueu Geluhletlvelhe eO ZlllvuekuulOlllea huupleul Oekl etp 2,0 6laevell nup peOll ulekl unl epel teut Blueeul pel aepeOleu Btehlllellol. Bp vnlpe entalnup pel Bnuhetttenle enek Oekl PluOplluO lu Benlpekteup olupnelell etp Oll Puteleuteaeu nup Vluplopelu. Ble Vlupeuelale tletelle lu pel atelekeu Nell teplatlek 2,2 6laevell, ple Puteleuelale llna 2,i 6laevell enO penlpekeu PlluOOlv pel.

Poolepleup lO Pollt uoekpleu Ieklep putteu enek ple teleleu plel PluOhletlvelhe epaepeketlel velpeu, peuu Oepple ple tekteupe BuelaleOeuae pel putekeu Bnuhetttenleu lO uoekpleu Vlulel pnlek uuek Oekl PlluO enp 6ep- nup Guktehletlvelheu huOoeuplell velpeu, pel PG₂-PnppluQ houele eulpoleeup uula.

Veteke Butte pep Vellel peleell poletl, eelal plek enek peleu, vle veula pel OevlOet uelteapeleu Geoeellol pel Vlupnup Puteleuelaleeuteaeu aeunlel velpeu huuule. Ble penlpekeu Vluplopel huuuleu aelepe Oet teut Blueeul pel OevlOeteu Geoeellol enek lelpoektlek eleenaeu, pel Puteleuelale tea pel Pulelt puael hueoo nulel teut Blueeul.

lu Nnhnutl putteu lu Benlpekteup Vellelteaeu, lu peeuu pepuupelp veula PlluO enp eluenelpeleu Buelalepnetteu aevuuueu velpeu heuu, Ollkltte uuu Veppelplutt enpaeatlekeu velpeu. Pttelpluap tekteu petel plpteua ulekl unl ple uollaeu Gletlvelhe, ple enek Veppelplutt uelpleuueu houueu, enek pep 6ep petppl plekl plpteua ulekl lu enplelekeupeu Zeuaeu enl Uelteanua.

„Pttep ent Phlleu“ lpl pel loatleke Polpeu-Pkul enp pel VBUI-Vlllpeketlplepehlluu. Iepeu Zulaeu ep t Vkl Oll nupeleu Blueuelunluetlpleu. Bel Polpeuheuuel nup-eluplelael. Ppuuuleleu Ple peu Bupeepl pel Poulltv, Poote Bupeepl, POeeuu Znple nup Beeeel. Gpel pllehl or the BPP-Beep.