the DN has recently reported on several cases of intervention by the stewards that led to both internal investigations on vaktbolagen and polisanmälningar.

In the latest incident was a pregnant woman rejected from a subway car at the Haymarket. On the sets show how the stewards pressing her upper body and stomach against a bench while her daughter stands next to it. Ordningsvakterna was taken out of service after the intervention and polisanmälningar established both against the guards and the woman.

strong reactions, and on 23 February organized a demonstration against excessive force and racial profiling. For this initiative responds to Afris, a social network for afrosvenskar which, together with the podcast Fury arranges the demonstration.

Kebba Njie is Afris founder, and says that he himself worked as a skyddsvakt and guardian. He says he is in his job has seen how racial profiling exists in the industry.

” I worked for a security check and noticed that was from my Swedish colleagues became different when, for example, would be a school class from the suburbs than a school from the island of Lidingö. My colleagues became harder, in a way that was not required, ” says Kebba Njie.

He continues:

– Some say that the ordningsvakterna just has done its job, but it comes to do their job properly. Ordningsvaktsutbildningen should be extended and there should be a clear värdegrundsarbete, where you can learn how to treat people.

also if a instagramkonto called ”No coincidence”, where people share personal stories about racism and racial profiling.

” Those who say that this is not about racism are those who are not themselves exposed to it.

at the time Of writing has over 7,000 people indicated in the Facebookevenemanget that they will come to the demonstration at Sergels torg, at the end of the month. Nearly 20,000 people have registered interest.

” People are well tired of seeing how people are treated by stewards and police officers. Especially we afrosvenskar and people from the suburbs are sick and tired of always having to see ourselves as the target, for example, the excessive use of force. You want to be treated like any other, ” says Kebba Njie.

Read more: Pregnant woman says: I was afraid that my child would die in the stomach

Read more: Securitas: your mobile movies shows the skewed view of vaktkåren