“Denmark’s next for China’s pandadiplomati”

“There is pandayra in Denmark. In the next few days is expected to two chinese giant pandas to the Copenhagen – something that is seen as a symbol for the country’s increasingly better relations with China.”

“But the arrangement is not free and the government receive criticism for dancing after a diktaturs pipe.”

“Apart from a construction worker and then runs away with a wheelbarrow filled with building materials see the corral, quite empty, reports the Danish news agency Ritzau. But it is to this place Zoologiske have, Copenhagen zoo, denmark’s gaze these days. The attendant from the park is currently in China to bring its new, long-distance guests: two chinese giant pandas.”

“as early as next week is expected the bears to arrive to Denmark, but, first, april 11, may Köpenhamnsborna to see them up close. The bears can be borrowed for 15 years from China – a costly arrangement for the Danish state.”

“in Addition to the cost of the fence on more than 229 million is calculated this kind of”

“Enough that they are cute, but China’s pandas have a much more important role than just act as eye candy. With the recurring criticism about the lack of human rights and corruption is the lending of nationaldjuret perhaps the clearest example of China’s attempt to improve its reputation through the so-called ”

“But just because pandautbytet be seen as anything other than apolitical, it has also led to a domestic political debate. In connection with prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen visited pandorna in China nearly two years ago, said, inter alia, Dansk Folkepartis policy spokesman Søren Espersen of Denmark and with the exchange submit to a communist dictatorship.”

“– We get to borrow them for us in their eyes has been an obedient little boy, and I think that is unacceptable, ” said Espersen then to TV2.”

“the Prime minister, in turn, claimed that pandadiplomatin was a way to safeguard Danish interests.”

“no matter who wins, the most in the arrangement, it is obvious that pandorna is an important part of chinese foreign policy. In a large study of the phenomenon pandadiplomati signs newspaper, the Financial Times, the image of the pandalånen as highly conditional.”

“Among those who had to borrow the black-and-white bears hear countries just before entered into various cooperation or trade agreements, including Australia and France.”

“There is also a picture of the beneficiary countries, contributing to the panda’s survival, because the animal has long been seen as threatened. But according to an expert the magazine talked with, no one knows what the fees that the beneficiary pays. In addition, upgraded the animal’s status three years ago from ”

“Regardless of the criticism will pandornas arrival to the new country to the attention large. Interested parties have been able to follow the construction of the fence at the Zoologiske have via webcam. And at the opening will classical musicians from both Denmark and China play a piece that is especially composed for the bears – a unique ”

“Pandadiplomatin stand strong.”

“Pandadiplomati is far from a new phenomenon. Already in the 600 century, during the Tang dynasty, the pandas have been given away to the then japanese emperor.”

“since Then, several countries received the bears. One of the most high-profile of the loans went to the united states and Washington, DC the National Zoo in 1972. The exchange was carried out after a state visit to Beijing by president Richard Nixon and became a symbol of the countries ‘ improved relationship.”

“today is a total of 58 pandas loaned to 17 countries, most recently Finland, where pandorna arrived 2018.”

“To Denmark, two pandas: female Mao is the Sun and the male, Xing You.”