The Zurich-based Rapper B. K. sitting since last week in Zurich in custody. He should have invaded in dübendorf, a post office branch. This during a two-week Suspension of the entry ban, a kind of holiday. The 33-Year-old was purchased before two and a half years after Kosovo, the reasons for offences, such as assault or armed robbery. During two weeks in the year, he was allowed to visit in Switzerland in his three-year-old son.

This practice provoked now criticism. “A dangerous offender is to be issued, no such suspension,” says the Zurich-based Director of Security Mario Fehr (SP). He had spoken out at the time of B. K. s Deportation. The safety of the population.

Fehrs Comments related to the statements of Lukas Reimann. SVP-national Council, said in 2016, the “Rundschau”: “He’s no good to us here, more than in Kosovo.” The development of the Kosovars was “impressive and a complete success for the measures of center,” wrote Reimann in a letter to the state Secretariat for Migration. For a current opinion Reimann was not reached.

incentive for Deported

The specialist in migration law and lawyer Marc Spescha may B. K. s behavior understand: “With his behavior he has lost the prospect of an early return to Switzerland. He has also proved other with entry ban on people a disservice.” The meaning of the suspension Spescha not to doubt but. “This creates deported people an incentive to be nothing else wrong.”

a Concerned abroad is no longer a criminal offence, there is a Chance that a return to Switzerland is again granted. Visits of Deported lost in his experience, almost always smoothly. Their purpose: to allow a limited personal contact with family members.

A Suspension of an entry ban, the Federal government only in exceptional cases. The Federal office for Migration, writes: “reasons for an exception are: court summons, death of living in Switzerland close family member, a visit from close family members to high Holy days.” This practice conforms to applicable EU directives. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 01.03.2019, 08:28 PM