“Diana thrown out from ”the Farm” – threatened participants”

“Paolo Roberto: ”Threatening people with violence is never okay””

“Diana Sundström threatened the participant Emelie Karlsson. “

“Now, she was forced to leave the ”Farm” just a week before the final. “

“– She spoke just a bunch of crap and tried to defame me on tv, ” says Diana to Nöjesbladet.”

“At the end of yesterday’s ”the Farm”-section accused and confronted Emelie Karlsson Diana Sundström to have lied and stolen things. “

“the Quarrel escalates to the degree that Diana threatens Emelie on to say: ”Had it not been for the fucking cameras, so I had the fan wrung the neck of her”.”

“And in the beginning of tonight’s episode is brought Diana Sundström of Paolo Roberto, who asks to talk with her. “

“– You can be angry in life, really fucking angry, but to threaten people with violence is never okay on the ”the Farm – and actually not anywhere else either. So, unfortunately, I must ask you to pack your stuff and leave ”the Farm,” he says of the program.”

“Diana Sundström: ”Paints me””

“To Nöjesbladet comments Diana Sundström, Emelie’s allegations that she would have lied or to have stolen things. “

“– She tried to defame me on tv. It pissed me off. I had gone around all summer and bitten me in the lip. To the end, burned I of, I do not how much time. It was so nice, ” she says. “

“Diana Sundström was all the time aware that what she said to Emelie could lead to the she is thrown out of the program. “

“– I blurted out to me just everything. But it was empty threats. Afterwards, I asked for the apology. One should not say such things. I don’t want people to see me as a maniac, my behavior is not okay, but it was not the others either.”

“But after seeing tonight’s episode to Diana no longer know of Emelie. “

” I think that her behavior is sickening. I want to neither see, hear, or talk with her. Many other participants also. “

“Emelie Karlsson: ”Bad style””

“Emelie Karlsson, and several other participants, has previously suspected that Diana would have stolen the food. When they then searched her bag, they found sugar, coffee, spices, and other things. “

“According to Diana, it is about the things that she had been allowed to take with them to the kämpestugan, something that Emelie Karlsson claims is not true. “

“– Diana said that she had received the things from the storbönderna when she was going to kämpestugan, which is not true, ” says Emelie. “

“Emelie Karlsson also fits on to criticize TV4 for how she is portrayed in the program. “

“– TV4 has painted it up like the plan was to get Diana, but synkarna (intervjusnuttarna in the programme, ed.) where I sit sad and explains how I feel has been cut away. I think this is poor style. “

“According to Joel Bendrik, the executive producer of ”the Farm”, it was obvious to throw out Diana. “

“”All participants are well aware that threats and violence are totally unacceptable on the Farm. It was not a difficult decision that Diana was forced to leave,” he writes in an email. “

“And if Emelie’s criticism, he writes:”

“”sorry to hear that Emelie feel so. But the programme is limited and it is impossible to get to with all the”.”