One evening in the beginning of December last year, went 18 year old Ebony Stevenson to add. She had pain in the head, but had hardly seen for themselves that the next four days would be so dramatic that they actually were.

Got seizures

after she went to bed that night she can’t remember anything, until she was awakened from an artificial coma four days after.

What happened that night was that the 18-year-old had a series of seizures.

Around at 10 that night I heard the Ebony rope. She said that the headache had been really bad. She was really bad, so I took her with me to the bathroom and before I knew it she had a seizure on the bathroom floor, ” says Ebonys mother, Sheree, to the Manchester Evening News.

She contacted the emergency services, and in the course of the five minutes it took before they were in place got the Ebony further five seizures.

Was pregnant

As if the experience was scary and shocking enough, were ambulansearbeiderne completely convinced that the 18-year-old was pregnant.

– Even though I insisted that she could not be pregnant, so they were totally secure on it. And to my great surprise as there had appeared a bump on her stomach. They think that the seizures were so powerful that they can have got your baby to move, so that it suddenly was visible, ” says Sheree, according to the BBC.

It turned out that the Ebony has the rare condition “uterus didelphys,” which means that the womb her is completely divided by a “wall”, so that she actually has two wombs, if. The condition is relatively rare, and affects one of around three thousand women.

the State led to the Ebonys unborn baby was “hidden” in one of the two wombs, while the other uterus menstruerte as usual, and thus did not give Ebony some reason to believe that she was pregnant.

the Womb was against her back, so that pregnancy was not visible. Ebony was never nauseated in the morning.

Had svangerskapsforgiftning

When 18-year-old arrived at the hospital, they were able to determine that the seizures she had been due to svangerskapsforgiftning.

the Baby, a small shapely girl, were taken with caesarean section. Grandma Sheree was the first one who got to keep the unexpected baby.

– I was overjoyed and glad that she was sweet and fresh, but I was worried for my own little girl who was still in a coma, ” says Sheree.

When Ebony woke up 6. December, she got his life’s biggest shock. In it she woke up she got the daughter she no idea that she was waiting, on his chest.

– It sounds awful now, but I asked them to take her away because I was so confused and was sure that they had made a mistake. But my mom explained everything to me while the nurses were there and then they gave me my little girl to me so that I could hold her properly for the first time, ” says Ebony.

A miracle

The little girl weighed almost 3.5 kg when she was born, which makes the doctors think that she went a full pregnancy.

– I didn’t think I would have children again. In any case, not before about 10 years, and I had never thought that I would be a young mom. To wake from a coma and be told that I had been pregnant and born a little girl was overwhelming, to say the least, ” says the new mother.

To meet my baby was surreal. It was like an out of body experience. I worried that I would not be able to create a bond with my daughter since I have not had time to prepare myself, but I think she is amazing. It is a miracle.

Amalie (6) and Madelen (1) is born from each uterus, but have the same mom