“Digital investment to get the indian leaders re-elected”

“India’s ruling party BJP are working hard to highlight prime minister Narendra Modis brand in the campaign for the extension of the parliamentary elections.”

“With the help of apps, tv shows, social media and rallies hope the party retain power.”

“Both of the major parties, hindunationalistiska BJP and the opposition Congress party, working with digital strategies for communication during the election campaign, but the ruling party is considered to be several steps ahead in the betting. The popular prime minister Narendra Modi has been active on social media since the campaign before the 2014 elections.”

” I think that they have refined their methods since then. Questions in a situation such as this indian election is both very local and national, so the parties need to be sensitive to what’s happening locally and pick it up, ” says Henrik Chetan Aspengren, a researcher at the institute of Foreign affairs.”

“Modi sees, according to many opinion polls out to take home the victory in the elections. 543 members of the board shall be elected to the lower house of parliament. They shall then appoint regeringsbildare.”

“the Modis background is controversial. As the head of government of the state of Gujarat, he was accused of fomenting a wave of violence against muslims in 2002 which claimed about 1 000 lives. He is boycotted by the EU leaders and was denied a visa to the united states. But India’s supreme court cleared Modi of 2012 from involvement in the violence, he was released into the diplomatic heat, and was elected prime minister in 2014.”

“the BJP has lost in popularity, but Modi is still a popular government,” says Henrik Chetan Aspengren.”

“– He is their obvious attraction in the campaign. But there is an internal criticism against him, and also a sharp criticism from the opposition. And some voters who had hopes that he would be able to deliver on their election promises will now turn away from him.”

“Many millions of “followers”

“mobile usage in India is widespread, and with the new lines of communication, it is difficult to miss the prime minister’s message ahead of the elections. He is the third-most followed politician in the world on Twitter, after the united states-the presidents, Donald Trump and Barack Obama. Modi and the BJP has a total of 57.5 million twitter followers. It is more than four times as many as the Congress party with Rahul Gandhi, son of assassinated prime minister Rajiv Gandhi, in the forefront.”

“A Modi-the app has according to the party loaded down by 100 million people and the first five parts of a comic if his life has been given out.”

“– He has also launched Mann Ki Baat, a kind of speech to the nation that he himself controls, a digital broadcast, a podcast where he talks like a founding father directly to the population, ” says Aspengren.”

“But Modi is not only for modern communication channels. According to the party, he reaches more than 250 000 people by holding several rallies a day, reports the Reuters news agency.”

“The big question seems to be if the Modis hindunationalistiska party BJP may retain the majority in parliament or if he is forced to try to form a coalition with others.”

“There are several reasons that many voters are unhappy with the BJP,” says Henrik Chetan Aspengren.”

“– a Few are disappointed that you did not carry out the major reforms they had promised, or only partly met, the promises. Others are concerned about the developments in the country with hindunationalismens increased role. Others want to see a new government just to get the renewal.”

“Around 900 million entitled to vote, the indians have the opportunity to cast their votes in the parliamentary elections that begin on Thursday and is being held in stages until may 19.”

“the Election to the indian lower house, lok sabha, starting on 11 april and takes place at different times in the country’s 29 states and seven territories until 19 may. The result will be announced on may 23.”

“a Total of 543 members to be elected. Parliament will then appoint a new prime minister. The incumbent prime minister Narendra Modi, who represents hindunationalistiska the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) challenged the Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi.”

“All of that is over the age of 18 can vote, in other words, around 900 million inhabitants. In the 2014 election voted 550 million voters.”

“the Congress party, with roots in the independence movement, dominated long as indian politics. The party has been in power in India for several long periods and most of the party’s leaders have belonged to the Nehru-Gandhi-dynasty – as does the current leader Rahul Gandhi.”

“In the 2014 election won, however, Indian people’s party (BJP) a video: tough reforms ahead, and got the majority in the lower house of parliament. The party has its roots in the hindunationalismen and the government led by prime minister Narendra Modi.”

“the Electoral system with a majoritarian electoral system in enmansvalketsar can make to the outcome of the election may severe rash in the parliament consisting of the house of commons (people’s congress) and the house of lords (comparison, cpi).”

“the BJP got in the last parliamentary elections, 31 per cent of the votes, while the Congress party was the second largest with just over 19 per cent. Still got the BJP 282 seats in the assembly, while the Congress only got 44 seats.”

“India consists of 29 states, which all have their own parliaments and governments.”

“Source: Nationalencyklopedin”