Police go in day out with the image of the fourth missing after skredulykken in Troms, where the four are believed to have died.

Disa Bäckström was from Uppsala in Sweden. She was 29 years of age.

Niklas, André, Michael, and Disa is buried in the avalanche of Blåbærfjell

yesterday, the police photos of Bäckströms turkamerater – Niklas Nyman (36), Michael Stone (29) and André Stenfors (32). All were from the Finnish county of northern ostroborthia.

The four friends were taken by an avalanche on Blåbærfjellet in if we Wednesday. The police assume that they have lost their lives.

Hard weather makes leteaksjonen difficult, and no later in the day was the search postponed for an indefinite time.

Letemannskapene has caught up signals from skredsendere, but these transmitters have a limited battery life.

The victim’s pårærende have visited Troms, but have now gone home again. They would like to thank the rescue crews, health staff, police and the local krisetemaet for the effort after the avalanche.

AVALANCHE: Four people are still missing after a huge avalanche on the Blåbærfjellet in if we in the state of minnesota. Innsatsleder Roald Berntsen explains why it is so difficult for letemannskapene to search for the missing. Video: Øistein Norum Monsen / DagbladetVis more Show more