speed limit for the climate protection? It is currently being discussed in Germany. Minister of transport, Scheuer is against a limit – the Green scent of a new opportunity. Both stock experts on your side.

Hardly an issue is in the case of car drivers in Germany, as controversial as speed limits. A government Commission is working on proposals for more climate protection, has brought the idea back to the game. Appropriate proposals from the Commission in, among other things, IG metal, ADAC, Bahn, and environmental associations are represented – had become known on Friday. Now it is again debating a speed of 130 km on the highways.

the Federal government will in February

not decide so Far, the Federal government has positioned itself to the question: “do We want a conclusive overall concept and not get into a discussion of individual measures,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert. There are going to be at the end of an overall agreement and now is not the political definition. Seibert explained that the coalition had agreed, until the end of February, the further procedure with a view to climate protection act vote. The Commission is working on a comprehensive solution for the contribution to climate protection in Germany – a component could be a speed limit.

transport Minister, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) had been rejected by the Considerations already categorically. You will be directed to mind is “against every man”. “Claims that the anger, irritation, stress trigger, or our prosperity, endanger, not reality, and I reject it.”

the automobile club AvD is skeptical and considers an influence of a General tempo limits on the number of accidents have not been proven. Instead, the Association of speed limits on risk argues points and accident. This is there is already now on many highways, rural and urban roads, a spokesman said. The working group traffic law in the German lawyers ‘ Association may be said to have General speed limits, nothing. “I am firmly convinced that a significant reduction in the number of traffic fatalities would not be achieved”, said the Chairman Jörg Elsner.

Cem Özdemir, Alliance 90/The Greens: “speed limit would be the order of reason”
tomorrow magazine, 22.01.2019

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