Helle Thorning-Schmidt to remain in London, but she stops as topdirektør in the Red Child’s international department, after she has been offered a directorship in Vindmøllekoncernen Vestas.

With the new little work she can look forward to having to hold 12 meetings a year. As a thank you for the hassle she gets 400.000 dollars per year.

Society – 11. jan. 2019 – at. 12:30 Thorning’s good ben: So much the score she is on the new top position

On paper it sounds like a high hourly rate, if it is 12 meetings to 400,000 crowns. You will not put some words on the how much work you expect to put in it?

– No, I have no comment. It is an important post, because it is a very big company. You must talk with Vestas.

– Ends your directorships to be able to generate so much so that you can receive the salary of two million dollars, you have had?

I have no comment.

When the question falls on what Helle Thorning-Schmidt needs to make going forward, will be the short answer, however, swapped out with a volley.

– I have been incredibly happy to be here. It is a great organization, and I have been so impressed by the many thousands of dedicated colleagues, who every day are fighting for the rights of children. So it is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye. I’ve been here for three years, and now I’ve got some new opportunities to enter into different boards, and I would really like to.

– I am going to sit in a number of commercial boards, but I will also have more time for various non-commercial boards as a think tank, where I can also work with topics such as democracy, european affairs, global politics.

But then the question falls on whether there waiting several directorships in Denmark, it is as if, to stop the song again influence:

I have no comments to.

– Why have you no comments on it?

– I am happy with the items I have.

the Danish policy – 14. jan. 2016 – pm. 19:39 Helle defends million-the salary in the new job: Like the world bank

Although Helle Thorning-Schmidt, is happy for the records, she has, like her wallet would have to be extremely ‘happy’ if she gets a post in one of Vestas’ special committee.

In total, there are 11 records in these committees, and a record propels further 251.000 crowns.

– But why stop you so in the Red to the Child?

– I would like to have a more free role. And I would like to have the opportunity to spend more time on the exciting work that I have in boards. Now it will be Vestas but also the other boards, as I’m working in. And then I have a number of other positions where I can use the knowledge I have accumulated.

– Previously, you could interfere in the debates in many areas. It is also the ability to spread you out more in the public debate?

– It is clear, when you are a director in a large company, it is very bound tasks and many travel days. Of course I have the media concentrated me about children’s rights. I have enjoyed very much, but now I get a more free role, and it means that I can also work with other issues that interest me.