I realize that I, as an employee at Capio St Göran’s Hospital in Stockholm, and in addition, the operations manager for smärtkliniken may not be considered completely objective in question. But I do not at all recognize me in the Åke Andrén-Sandberg’s letter to the editor on the DN Review.

During the nearly ten years that I worked in, Capio, I have never heard of, never ordered, we shall maximize profits. The basic idea is that if we conduct a care of the highest quality, the economy will be better. Avoided related injuries and we will find the improvements that we have time to meet more patients.

unlike non-private providers – where you can shoot to taxes if you make a negative profit, a private operator get paid for what you do, otherwise it will be bankruptcy and you get hit again.

But to extrapolate this to Åke Andrén-Sandberg’s conclusion is very sad, because I know that my internal compass and Capio external compass is pointing exactly the same direction.