The cashless society where everything is based on computers means that we do not like or mastery of this amazing tool today can’t do very much. Shall we travel by train we have to either buy via internet or go out on the town to find any place that sells train tickets.

It is not possible to buy of the conductor. Shall we fly, we are required to book from home. Shall we go by bus to the ticket also preferably be purchased from home.

I have a friend who would go to the cinema with their grandchildren. They had a little bit of money on her birthday. But because the theater will not receive any money and my friend had cards they had to go home without seeing any film.

the staircase in an assisted living. Where was that tv broadcasting would be made if so that it would require changes of the settings of the tv. The landlord could not help with this, but it was completely the tenants responsibility.

It is today increasingly on the individual, but how much you are trying to teach the older pensioners computers, you will never reach a society where everyone is capable of it. Because people today live longer, will the group that is in need of help, not reduce.

Even those who today have mastered the new technology become old and crooked fingers, becomes demented and forget the codes. So how much you want to introduce a total digital society, it will not go.

struggled a whole life. These people should not have to sit alone and as the only means to have a computer they can’t use.

These people are in their loneliness completely at the mercy if they do not have children or grandchildren nearby. It is time to stop and check how this group is capable of, bothered, and you want to receive the new technology.