Electric planes powered by electric motors. The energy to the motors may come from batteries, possibly combined with fuel cells. Can passenger aircraft be operated only by batteries?

the Saab engineers Kenneth Nilsson and Patrick Berry writes in a response to my letter to the editor that they are convinced that battery-powered passenger aircraft, regardless of size, is the aviation technical impossible even for short distances. According to them, must the batteries be 20 times better for that battery-powered aircraft shall be able to become a reality.

The israeli company Eviation Aircrafts model ”Alice” is an electric airplane that takes 9 passengers up to 1,000 km. Energilagringen based entirely on the batteries.

presented in June during the 53rd airshow in Paris. After the show, we know if the result was just as bad as before. It would no doubt be nice if it turned out that Alice’s designers come up with something really smart.

the Saab and one of my development company built a battery-powered aircraft that actually flew back in 2009. It was based on a powered glider where the petrol engine replaced with an electric motor with power electronics that my company developed and manufactured.

the Plane reached a top speed of 250 kilometres an hour, which was very good in comparison with other contemporary electric powered aircraft only reached top speeds of around 100 kilometres an hour.

a 48.4 kg battery pack about 6 kWh. The plane would have been able to fly in one hour, which corresponds to a distance between Stockholm and Linköping.

All electrical hybridflygplan have some form of non-electrical energikonverter. An example of such a plan is Zunum Aero’s ”ZA10”. The plane that takes 6-12 passengers have a 1MW gas turbine driving two generators, each of 500kW. The top speed is located at 547 miles per hour.

Elflygplan based only on the batteries is not suitable for passenger transport, but hybrid solutions seems to have advantages on medium haul.