Reply to Lennart Calender at the Dmv who responded to my letter to the editor of the DN Opinion:

the Truth is that Europe has not taken a position on the teknikvalet. When the Transrapid was the current opposition is not this.

a path for the motorways between Hamburg and Berlin was closed down due to an incorrect calculation with irrelevant costs. It is extremely regrettable, but was not due to the magnettåget.

If you had done an investigation, it had emerged that it does not distinguish very much between motorways and ordinary trains.

build out the capacity you have to build a completely separate path to each station. This does away with the argument against building motorways.

Lennart Calender write that high-speed trains from Sweden to be able to go down over Denmark and on to the continent. But, according to a study, it is the european high-speed network to a single large patchwork where high-speed trains only on a few stretches going up to 250 kilometers an hour, while magnettåget available to Shanghai’s airport has a maximum speed of over 430 km / hour.