In our form of democracy, we choose representatives to our parliament, the riksdag. We choose not the government. It is mps that until the next parliamentary elections represent the will of the people.

Why is so much force on the formation of the government? Why does not represent, mps will of the people?

According to the ”SNS Demokratirapport 2017” has the cabinet office increased its staff by over 50% since 1980. The number of committees has trebled, while the parliamentary compound investigations decreased. Instead of the government-appointed expertutredningar greatly increased.

to our representatives ‘ influence has declined in importance. Thus the erosion of our democracy.

I suggest that parliament reclaims its position as a democratic representative and is taking over several of the functions currently carried out by the government. It can be the information to develop budget, defence policy and the natural environment.

of Course, then must the parliament to expand its workforce, which should be about the same numbers as the government reduces its. The major problems we now see in the formation of the government would decrease dramatically if our elected officials put the direction and the framework for public activities. All of these difficult global issues are discussed well through by our elected representatives in both the committees and the chamber.

in the parliament from the beginning with and discuss the common guidelines for the country’s governance. In the Parliament presented proposals and decisions will be taken in proportion to the election results.

Marginal parties has its place in the discussion and influence according to the mandate, not more, and we don’t have vågmästarna. At the same time increasing democracy.