flight engineers Kenneth Nilsson and Patrik Berry argues, in a response to Lennart Stridsbergs letters to the editor on DN’s Opinion that ”electric passengers is a technical impossibility”.
The assessment was prevalent in the aerospace industry five years ago, but with recent years ‘ technological advances become förbisprungen. New ideas start to become reality. Constructive criticism is always good, but we need to be able to discuss in the light of new facts and evidence instead of yesterday’s setting.
the Aerospace industry is betting billions on the elflyg, including the major aircraft manufacturers Airbus and Boeing. In today’s business is conducted hundreds of elflygsprojekt in the united states, Germany, China and England.
elflygplan on the market, including the Pipistrel Alpha Electro that adorn the Nilsson’s and Berry’s replica, and larger aircraft for passagerardrift is under development.
the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 aircraft are optimized for short distances, but still has a range of around 600 miles. The other aircraft, the Airbus A350 has a range of the entire 1.520 mil.
other words, They are grossly oversized to fly domestic services in Sweden. Even with one-thirtieth of the energy would be in the same aircraft be able to fly 20 and 50 miles.
Teslabatteri as a reference gives an underestimation of the available capacity of the battery. Tesla’s batteries are primarily designed to keep costs down.
In Eliseprojektet, we test the batteries with an energy density of 250 Wh/kg on the packnivå, thus 50 percent more than Tesla’s, which increases the range in the example to the 30 and 75 miles. Reservproblematiken possible to solve with a range extender powered on biofuel.
It is true that flying is increasing in the world and that it is a challenge to bring down emissions. Elflyg is no panacea. Other solutions, such as biofuels and hydrogen needed for långdistansflyget. Note, however, that 40 per cent of aviation’s CO2 emissions come from the kortdistansflyget and 40 per cent of the routes in Europe are shorter than 75 miles. This would elflyget be able to make a big difference for the climate.
accelerates the elflygplansambitionerna. The case for Sweden to keep up with in order to not be left behind.
at the same time, it is important that researchers and developers are moving carefully tillväg. Therefore, we welcome the discussions on elflyg with the authors of the article, and others knowledgeable in the field. We must work together to become a country at the forefront of the nascent elflygplansindustrin.
in Addition to that have zero operational emissions may elflyget increase the availability in Sweden, especially for locations that are not served by a future high-speed trains. Elflygens low cost in use and maintenance would change the equation for the country’s regional airports.
An electrically flyginfrastruktur would thus be able to provide fast, cheap and climate-friendly transport to the whole country.