The doomsday scenario Filip Kostic is trying to paint up in a letter to the editor of the DN Opinion on the current situation in Kosovo is neither realistic or fair.

There is firstly no need of food supplies, medicines or other necessities. The Serbian minority has just as the rest of the country’s population has access to medicines and food supplies from all over the world.

It is true that the Kosovo government imposed trade tariffs vis-à-vis Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina as a response to the aggressive isolationspolitik pursued by these countries vis-à-vis Kosovo. They have actively opposed Kosovo’s membership in the UN agency, Unesco and Interpol, the two international organisations where a kosovan membership only conducive to the preservation of the cultural heritage in Kosovo and the international fight against organised crime.

allows varuexporter from Kosovo, but also that these goods are ”marked” and does not refer to Kosovo as a state. Not even the text ”Made in Kosovo” allowed.

Moreover, Serbia also license plates for passenger cars from Kosovo. They are forced to replace their signs, and pay an extra tax at the border (Kosovo allows Serbian signs and charge no tax).

Serbia has refused to implement the two signed agreements between the parties regarding the exchange of electricity and joint border posts. Two agreements, which both Serbia and Kosovo signed together with the EU, but that Serbia unilaterally refuse to comply in spite of the signature.

on the aggressionspolitik of Serbia vis-à-vis its neighbour Kosovo, that I finally gave up should not come as a shock to anyone. The fact is that both the US, the EU and many other countries in the past imposed trade restrictions, embargoes and taxes vis-à-vis Russia, Cuba, north Korea and many other countries.

the independence of Kosovo does not violate international law. The question has been tried by Serbia in the international court of justice in the Hague on 22 July 2010 stated that Kosovo’s independence does not violate international law.

Sweden has just as the majority of the world’s countries recognised Kosovo as an independent state, an overwhelming majority of countries in both the EU and Nato have done the same, and also the greater part of the remaining part of the western world.

get to grips with a definitive agreement in order to be able to leave this destructive policies behind and start to move towards the EU, there is no doubt. There is not a single EUROPEAN country that wants to import a regional conflict to the union.

It is therefore of the utmost importance that the EU takes its responsibility and put pressure on all the countries in the region to abide by the signed agreements, above all on Serbia, which it is of the countries which already today is an EU candidate. A natural consequence of it is also that the Kosovo trade tariffs will disappear and that countries are beginning to move in the right direction.

however, This is only possible if all of the pages will start to act more responsibly and not try to portray themselves as victims when they themselves bear a large debt to the situation.