Joseph Norins letters to the editor on the DN Review (28 march) at least shows that the writer is familiar with post-colonial phraseology. Words like ”rasifiering” and ”white room” reminds us of a tankeströmning raging wildly in the columns now. ”Rasifiering” is a problematic word because it implies that there are different races.

modern genetics should exempt us from such follies and delusions. I suspect that we are getting a new type of rastänkande during antirasismens cover.

the concept of ”racism” in a liberally and incorrectly to demonize opinions that do not fall writer in the taste. Ultimately, is this term of a life sciences pseudoteori which ultimately had fatal consequences.

to cook the down the contents of the submitter to something substantial, it is that it is exclusively the fault that the swedes and the so-called ”non-swedes” have been difficult to socialize and communicate with each other.

It is reminiscent of an article in Expressen a while ago of a few members of the Green youth. Everything is explained with the supposedly so called racist structures in society.

talk about the discriminatory structures in society that have to do with how individuals and groups of individuals working in the social interaction. We approach us at any time to those closest to us, who resemble us and who have shared values –what we might call the socio-cultural factors.

It is elementary social psychology, which were treated insightfully in DN the Inside on 24 October 2018. Where we have all the crucial issue: who should adapt to whom and thereby reduce the differences?

think more about how umgängesvanorna at all appears to have changed in society in recent decades. After 70 years in this jämmerdal, I think I have noticed a change in how swedes interact with each other.

When I grew up in a tenement in the 50’s hung out with a rather forced with their neighbors. Now you are living more in isolation from each other, where their height gives her neighbor a nod when you meet.