From the end of the year, all employers must provide individual arbetsgivardeklarationer for all employees on a monthly basis, the so called AGI. In practice, this means a lot of extra work for companies. The possible profits with this system is that the authorities will find it easier to check the different forms of cheating.

to employees through the new system would get more information about how much and what taxes are spent on salary and the total cost for the employer. But this is not so.

Employees can log on to the Swedish Tax agency’s website and see that the taxes are paid, but the taxes and how much is not clear – despite the fact that it had been easy for the Tax to report, for example, arbetsgivaravgiftens different parts and the earned income tax credit.

As an employer, you can remedy the problem by using the pay slips that show the entire salary, including the employer’s social security contributions. Most payroll systems can cope with this.

showed in the summer that the whole three of four swedes underestimate the taxes on the ordinary salary levels. This is probably due to most people never get to see the whole of the wages and salaries paid – including tax – and that we don’t think about all the consumption taxes we pay.

So I would urge all företagarkolleger to take the chance and make sure that the salary to your employees to show the full salary. Now, when we still need to see the routines it is a excellent location to do this folkbildningsinsats.

had the courage to be transparent and report this. It would probably lead to a more constructive debate when it comes to both salaries and taxes.