the V leader Jonas Sjöstedt threaten with distrust if the government Leaves put forward proposals for the introduction of market rents and changes in the labour code.

But here try this would fool his followers. As long as it concerned to vote against Stefan Löfven as prime minister, he would have received with M, KD, and SD. He had managed to prevent the Leaves from forming a government.

But the situation becomes completely different then he is released until Löfven as the head of government.

the intention is to trap the government Stefan Löfven count his own party votes, the Green party, the Centre party and the Liberals. Video: may with the highest probability also count with the Conservatives, Kristdemoktaternas and in many cases, the Sverigedemoktaernas voices in the issues that the Eu does not want to accept.

How in the world have Noted flaws? Is it cowardice not to dare prevent a sosse continue to guide Sweden towards a disaster? Or is it feltänk?

But with such reasoning may, Stefan Löfven what his wish– a toothless tiger in the left party and Jonas Sjöstedt shape. And this would have thereby laid out the red carpet for perhaps all of the Centre party and the Liberal nedmonteringar of large parts of the welfare system, with the help of sossarna and MP.