Daniel Sonesson sees in his letter to the editor on the DN View, positive on the announced slaughter of the public employment service (AF).
I agree with him that there are many good examples of private operators. Daniel Sonesson make it sound like the private operators are used to they deliver, but miss the fact that 5-6 billion outsourced annually, which is equivalent to 60% of what the whole authority costs.
AF is required by the government to hire private actors, but here the lights Sonesson lack of understanding of how the system works through. Private actors is a prerequisite for such a lean organization that AF shall mightily with his assignment when the employment and go on your knees.
not given his background in the business world. At the same time, he received both ekonomiprofessorn Lars Calmfors and proposals in the arbetsmarknadsutredningen.
Calmfors argues that a full-scale privatization of AF are at risk to go wrong because the research shows that private actors rather perform worse. The investigator Cecilia Fahlberg suggests, like Calmfors, a system where AF is competing with the private operators.
Sonesson trying to mislead the reader about why private operators hired by the employer. The answer is that staffing agencies offer other services than AF, in the form of hiring of staff. This has never been the AF’s mission.
changed. Temporary work agencies and social media entry have become significantly in the last ten years. This fact probably thought most would make the AF is irrelevant and utkonkurrerad. But it is just the opposite.
the AF has instead increased its market share by 20 per cent and nine out of ten employers are turning to the AF are satisfied. The EUROPEAN commission believes that the AF is a smooth flow of business in the european perspective. There are few who know that staffing agencies to a large extent, caters to the employment service.
So the question is whether the dismantling of the proper functioning of the public employment service is the right way? I have hard to believe.