e-Mail letters to the editor and response to the asikt@dn.se. Send the text in the email, without attachment. Avoid linguistic abbreviations and write out the words ”for example” instead of ”e.g.”.
the Submitter should preferably be about 3,000 characters with spaces. It begins with a preamble which summarises the contents at about 250 characters. In some cases, we publish posts that are shorter or longer.
Deleted from your own experiences and start and finish the text to clearly convey your opinion. If you have a concrete proposal which is addressed to politicians, authority or company, this should be made.
One or more links can be inserted in the text. Web editor for the DN Opinion decides what should be published.
the Sign with the name, address and cell phone number. Your mailing address and your phone number is needed to the editorial team if necessary, should be able to check skribenters identity. That signature, we’d like that you write ”first name last name, Title, place of Residence”. We do not publish letters to the editor under a pseudonym.
DN reserves the right to shorten and edit submitted material. The material can be published on all our platforms, in the newspaper, on site and in social media.
As a writer you agree that Today’s News freely and without compensation, be allowed to make copies of the material and store and make available this to the public. No honorarium is paid.
DN Opinion may not contain libel, personal attacks or insults, incitement to racial hatred, sexist remarks or other harassment, wrongful violence or pornography, incitement to crime or pose other criminal activity, unauthorized use of copyrighted material, profanity, or obscene words, commercial messages or advertising.
the Articles must follow the DN’s language regime which is equal to TT’s regime. DN involved in Mediespråksgruppen, whose recommendations are available here.
Response to letters to the editor will be published after approval by the editor, who also can search for organizations and people that letters to the editor, addressed to to get the answer.
It is possible to comment on posts directly on the DN.see. Comments may be moderated. The röstningsfunktion that previously existed has been removed.
If you want to comment on an article, you must click on the red box in the article with the text “Leave comment” and then create an account or log in by clicking on the box “Log in/Create account”.
A selection of intellect intellects published in the newspaper, where DN Opinion is published Tuesdays-Fridays, during the greater part of the year.
In the magazine, we also publish short messages-letter to the editor. Send a text message to 72444 and start with ”WRITE” and then a space. The Normal sms rate, a maximum of two-three sentences.
the Editor of the DN Opinion is the easiest to reach by e-mail: asikt@dn.se. It is also possible to make calls via the DN:s telephone: 08-738 10 00.
the DN Opinion available on the social media Facebook and Twitter.