the Cash will disappear, at least as we know them in the form of coins and banknotes. And unlike Svante Linusson (letter to the editor in dagens nyheter 8 may), I believe that kontanternas future of the foundation is not a political issue, but rather a matter of time.

the Cash eliminating themselves because they are no longer needed. It has come something better.

neither the riksdag or the Riksbank that determines the matter, but you and me. 6.7 million swedes pay-day with the Swish. Oddly enough, it is about the same majority which, according to a recent Sifo survey are positive to cash.

the Survey results I take with a hefty pinch of salt. Deep down inside, we’re most happy to avoid the cash when we got the simple and secure options. This applies not least to everyone who works in the store, and bus drivers.

electronic payments is a typical technology change. Just like when the horses became unemployed or when the tv was flat.

How the phase of the transition should look like can of course be discussed. But any attempt to ”save” an antiquated solution is doomed to fail. Wise politicians of course know this and are legislating not to preserve an impractical and costly system.