Imagine a house that you built on in several years. You have laid a good foundation, it feels stable. You’ve had the architects, the builders who planned, designed, decided.

Then comes the few and totally trash the entire house and suddenly is standing there without a roof over your head.

I’m talking about the politicians ‘ decision to reduce the budget for our music schools so that, among other things, El Sistemas business is at risk to be put down.

it is common with the retention. It means that when a class goes from one stage to another to meet the teachers and told about the class, about what you have done so far, what are the investments that have been made and how you should proceed. Why do not politicians?

Sure, I understand that the ideologies and beliefs differ, but some things need to get have their time.

On colleges and universities worked on behalf of the government (yes, the last time) with the widening participation and widening participation. This in order to get a true picture of the representation of our society as possible at the training sessions.

to kulturskolorna need to diversify in order to reach more target groups. The government (yes, the last time) gave several educational institutions selected to develop an education that is working to reach more audiences, and opens the door for more genres, the so-called Kulturskoleklivet. To develop the training addressed in this now.

the Country’s orchestras have besides invested both time and money in working with children and young people in El Sistemas operations. Colleges and universities are working with the basic values, where students are taught about how important it is to be norm-critical, see which audience you want to reach out to, that culture is for everyone, to equip them to teach and operate in all possible environments.

Everyone who reads this will understand the huge investment and fantastic work carried out over several years and tax revenue, according to me, is money well invested. Thus, it is the people who planned, built up, taught, written books, put their heart and soul into the culture, which built a house together. It’s all about the music schools, several universities and the country’s orchestras.

instead of tearing this house, impregnate it, making it stable, invest in a material so we can stay there for many years. I believe in the music and art’s power to counteract xenophobia, to music and art brings to the community and I wish that you will live on in the spirit that the founder, José Antonio Abreu had a goal when he started El Sistema in the 70’s; to give young people a meaningful leisure time and that the music can make a social difference in the exposed area.

To promote a socially sustainable environment, is also a task which the universities received from the government (yes, the last time).