year after Year I have stood at the monument to Spanienfrivilliga and played on my tuba in the Swedish brass band. Once upon a time I was a conscientious objector. How does that add up? It could not be reconciled.

My admiration for the Swedish workers, and sailors, who went to Spain to fight the fascist movement is still large. And how was it with the Finlandsfrivilliga? They were motivated certainly by a moral pathos.

I have retaken. It has been through that I have learned to know the thinking behind the doctrine of the so-called righteous war, ranging from the church fathers as Augustine and Thomas aquinas through the sextonhundratalets folkrättsfilosofer forward to the modern-day international law, the UN system and the Red Cross and the geneva conventions. All construction on the nation’s rights and sovereignty.

This unheard-of, to take to itself the right to kill another human being, has been a civilisationsgräns. Countries with the death penalty is not fully civilized.

The major exception of the right to resort to lethal force constituted by the right or the duty to defend their own country. In the day we wouldn’t talk about just war, but about righteous defense.

from Sweden to Syria to fight for IS, the proposed islamic state, select a different country. It is, in principle, understandable. But he or she has thereby opted out of Sweden.

the Exercise of armed force abroad should be made a criminal offence. To take away from the return of his Swedish citizenship would be consistent and proper, but it is possible only when he has dual citizenship. The return may, however, already we passgränsen immediately taken care of for the police investigation in anticipation of criminal prosecution.

What would happen with the stridandes relatives? It is of course a great human problem, but it always occurs when a criminal person is put in prison. Crime usually affects innocent family members.