The one who took a walk on the drill Field on Saturday was exposed to a dose kommunistpropaganda. From the speakers at the chinese embassy played noisy music; it was the communist songs such as the Internationale and the East is red, but also the sound from the machine guns.

standing about fifteen practitioners of the meditationsmetoden the falun gong and drew attention to the increasing persecution, as evidenced in, among other things, the arrest of 80 people in the north of China, after the regime made use of advanced technology to monitor them.

Falungongutövarna read out a statement in the megaphone, but this was drowned by the propagandasångerna. Passers-by thought it all was both nasty and disturbing. There were officers on hand to monitor the demonstration and they were highly critical of the embassy’s ljudattack, but could not do anything because the embassy area is considered chinese soil.

conducted peaceful demonstrations outside the embassy in 20 years in order to bring an end to the persecution, and have never experienced something similar to this.

Even if the speakers are sitting on the ground, the sound out over the Field and into many of the Swedish ears. This means that the persecution of falun gong has spread to Sweden.

the Question is what and minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström (S) intend to do to respond to this aggression.

should by now be dismissed as an effective diplomatic tool. Now required active and visible action.