the Response to the submitter ”in the Face of free admission to the museum of technology” in the DN Opinion on 3 april by Göran Nordbladh:

We could not agree more in what you write. We face global challenges that require technical solutions. According to statistics SWEDEN’s forecasts miss Sweden soon 75 000 teknikutbildade. What is needed are initiatives aimed at children and young people.

we are calling for a greater commitment from the business community. Right now we have four valuable partnerships with companies which assist both financially and with unique skills: Eon, Ericsson, Sandvik and Stora Enso. Together with contributions from foundations and organizations they do that we can broaden our offerings at the museum, but also visit schools with our touring activities.

We need more companies with the ability to inspire innovation and entrepreneurship for a sustainable future.

not been given the opportunity to free admission as the state museums, but the offer at its own expense, free admission on Wednesday evenings (with the exception of certain utställningssatsningar). We have also rabattsamarbeten with pensionärsorganisationer.