if you’re lucky, you free on may 1. If you are young, flexible and paid by the hour in a helgöppen store maybe you have managed to pinpoint a nice ob-pass.

you Have the less luckily you are involuntarily scheduled and working as usual, but with the contractual ob-ins on your reasonable monthly salary. If it still going to rain and be cold you can the opportunity to work, or how?

if you Have real bad luck you are a foreign worker employed by an employer who systematically exploit by to take undue advantage of and violate your human rights. In Sweden, those who have been granted the power to regulate the conditions on the labour market and who will work to protect your labour rights – unions – in practice, nothing to help you.

the exploitation in the labour market increased. Those affected have mainly been people from other countries who for various reasons traveled here.

In several cases, it is about people in their country lived in poverty or who are victims of discrimination or other difficulties. In February of this year, reported the Swedish Television’s ”uppdrag granskning” that employees of one of the country’s largest nagelkedjor, Five Five Nails, has a ten-hour working days six days a week, without overtime pay or vacation, despite the fact that the company has a collective agreement with the trade union to the Trade.

in the following Month, the newspapers reported Kommunalarbetaren and the Work to employees in one of Stockholm’s major hemtjänstbolag used in the work under slave-like working conditions. The company ”Simpler life” has a collective agreement with the trade union Kommunal.

it was the foreign people who come here on a work permit tied to the current employers. After the story in ”Mission review” explained the trade union to the Trade that they can’t do anything until the workers themselves to come forward and tell us.

the Municipal had heard about the irregularities of the ”Simpler life” in many years, but argued that the fears of the employees had prevented the union from doing anything. However, the question is what this something that the unions expect to be able to do is, and how this ”something” to protect the exploited workers?

If my employer would even imply that he would come to take undue advantage of me had I turned back to the tray, probably told me and neglected to show up the next day. In the best case, I am looking for and a more secure employment with a more reputable employer. In the worst case I become unemployed.

with a work permit resign or are terminated may he stay in Sweden and look for a new job in three months. If the person has not been able to find a new job that is at least at the same level as Swedish collective agreements or whatever is customary within the profession or industry in the three months to revoke the Swedish migration board, the work permit and the person loses his right to stay.

in other words, the risk of the person to be expelled at a lost of employment. Labour law is ineffective in consequence of migrationsrättslig legislation is that foreign workers have more to lose to notify the developers, and thus risking their jobs — than to allow themselves to continue being exploited by them.

Sweden need a 1 may for the workers as the labour law does not have the capacity to protect and that the unions do not know how to help.