It came as a shock to most, as Morten Nørgaard and not young Chili Pedersen could be the shelf as the winner of last year’s ‘X Factor’.
Friday was the Chili back in the City where she last year had to be content with a second place finish, and it was good to see you again.
– It is wildly weird. It’s kind of a mixed feeling. I have never tried to be the audience before, but it is fun to try it. It brings old memories back, she smiles.
today, she goes in 2.g at Himmelev Gymnasium in Roskilde, and it is here, she puts her focus.
– It is fine, and there is much to see to, but I gave me really just school and doing a little music at home. I take it quietly, telling Chili.
When she attended the ‘X Factor’, last year, she was one of the profiles. Among other things, because her vocal was trained through numerous appearances in musicals.
– I have kept a small break from musicals, and so on, I just focused on school. I also need to find out what I’d like to make music. I have experimented a little at home with the songwriting and such.
– Even if I focus on school, and it is my main focus, so I am slowly starting to make me ready for when that comes jobs. It will say to have written some songs, which I can vouch for and something like, say Chili.
INTL. MusikNYT – 30. mar. 2018 – at. 20:58 ‘X Factor’stars fail fan: – They can run me in the ass
next summer she finished high school, and so does she expect that the music will come to fill up even more.
– I have to do something with music in some sense or other in the future. The I know just. I don’t know what else I should do. I’m considering if the music academy could be a solution, but it is just a thought, I have. I have slightly different options, but the common is that music is a part of it, ” she stresses.
on Friday evening had the ‘X Factor’ say goodbye to Sigmund Trondheim, and the next Friday finale will, therefore, consist of the group Place on Earth, as well as Remees two artists Jamie Talbot and Rasmus Therkildsen.