“The doctor suspected of sex crimes gets fired”
“the Södersjukhuset hospital in Stockholm dismiss now the doctor who is suspected of attempt to rape. The hospital’s ceo Mikael Runsiö also ask the relevant personnel to apologize.”
“– We should have been more of a listening and taking these people and maybe even others more seriously than we did, ” he says to TT.”
“The doctor in the Södersjukhusets emergency department for adults who are arrested for attempt to rape in the summer of 2018 gets fired. Already in 2016, the physician is also subject to police investigation for suspicion of rape.”
“– this is a process that is going on together with the tray, but he has been given for the dismissal, ” says Mikael Runsiö, president of the southern hospital.”
“– this is a co-worker who has been involved in several different episodes of a criminal nature, why the confidence for this merarbetaren ceased. It is contrary to our values.”
“TT: When did you find out that he is prosecuted for attempted rape?”
“– the hospital Management found out about this on January 17, that he is indicted, and then turned him from his service.”
TT: But there are also other managers who can act, or? According to information received, the department head signals if this is already in the summer. Is it true?”
” It’s difficult to say in retrospect. It has not been known for hospital management until now, in January, but the data we have shows that we should have taken this more seriously than we did. It is a lesson we learned from this.”
TT: But managers do have a duty to report up, or?”
“– It is clear that we have a line that we report through, but obviously it failed or it has failed in the interpretation of the signals that have been around him (the doctor).”
“Serious violent crimes”
“In the reporting, it came also out that another colleague in the emergency department, who have been convicted of”
“TT: What about this?”
“– It’s about a nurse who was convicted of a serious violent crime in the home. Unfortunately not, law enforcement authorities and any reporting obligations to the us when this happens, so we found out about it only when IVO recalled the man’s identity, ” says Mikael Runsiö.”
“Among the measures the hospital is now doing is that the head of the vuxenakuten replaced. At the same time, implement the hospital training and is investigating the situation at the emergency department.”
“A lesson learned is that we must be much more proactive in order to ensure or dismiss when such suspicions pop up,” says Mikael Runsiö.”
“A doctor at Södersjukhuset in Stockholm, was indicted earlier this year on suspicion of attempted rape and violent resistance. The suspected crimes occurred in the summer of 2018, and the doctor was detained for three days.”
“First, then the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet has been in contact with the hospital administration shut down the man from his service. The hospital’s executive director, Michael Runsiö, however, it is argued that this was done as soon as the indictment came to the hospital’s knowledge. Whatever shall the doctor’s head have previously been informed of the suspicions against the man, but to act.”
“the Doctor denies the suspicions of våldtäktsförsöket, which is not linked to the hospital.”
“the Man has previously been suspected of raping a nurse then worked at the southern hospital. He was closed of a time from his service. Later put the girl down and the man returned in service.”