Evergem Still looking for an original photo idea for you communicanten? The police Assenede-Evergem helps us give you a hand. On 20 march, they will organise (for free) photo shoot with their police vehicles at the castle of Wippelgem. Camera and/or photographer, you do need to equip yourself with.

The action is addressed to all citizens from large Assenede and Evergem. Participants each get 20 minutes to take photos at one of the several police vehicles. “As police we get regularly whether it would not be possible to have a number of photos with one of our vehicles”, says the police. “Because it is impossible to list here individually still on going, we organize this year a first edition of a photo shoot with police vehicle.”

The photo shoot is Wednesday 20 march between 12.30 pm and 18 hours at the castle of Wippelgem. Registration is required, and do your best as quickly as possible: the number of registrations is limited. With a long waiting list would be there on the 27th of march and possibly a second session to take place. Interested parties can send an e-mail with name, address and phone number to PZ.AssenedeEvergem.Beleid@police.belgium.eu. Please note: your registration is only confirmed when a confirmation email is received.