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one of the two pandas in the Zoo in Copenhagen was Monday morning on the loose in the Zoo, as it broke out of its shed.
It was, however, discovered by vagtmesteren in the garden, stunned by an arrow and is in place in the barn.
Bengt Holst, scientific director of the garden, discloses that the pandaen escaped by climbing a metal pole and squeeze under a eltråd.
Next, slap pandaen out in the garden, where it was on the loose, until he got stunned and captured pandaen.
– It must, of course, could not be done, and we will now review the plant minutely to ensure that it does not happen again, says Bengt Holst in a press release.
There is talk about pandaen with the name Xing Is, which is one of a total of two pandas, which Denmark is borrowed from China.
Pandaen did not come to any harm during the process.