According to Dries Van Langenhove, one of the organisers behind the ‘march against Marrakesh’, were the riots that took place yesterday in Brussels, “set up game by the mayor of the city, Philippe Close (PS). The so-called “proof” of this is through a movie in which an agent says that the goal is “as much as possible, people in the tank to cross”. Mayor Close says that there are only hard was occurred against amokmakers that agents attacked because of violence against the police will not be tolerated.

From Langenhove posted last night a video on Facebook in which one anonymous police officer to see and hear while a number of demonstrators, explaining that “they, as much as possible people in the tank want to”. Later he adds that the mayor is “as much as possible, arrests will”. the

Real evidence that the riots are therefore also “set up game” were Close gives the agent not. He warns, however, that anyone who “wet or flags has” the risk to the station to be arrested. According to him, is there in Brussels “already thirteen years argued, and we should do anything, but suddenly come to you, and may we knock”. “From me you must do everything, because you have absolutely right”, says the agent.

Read also Our reporter made a lot of demonstrations, but never as grim as yesterday “Violence against agents tolerate we are not”

The cabinet of Brussels mayor Close says that the demonstration without incident, went to a number of participants at the end of the mars destruction began to focus and agents began to fall. “From the time that agents were attacked, there is certainly resolute to act. Violence against the police tolerate we did not and there is a hard occurred”, says the spokeswoman for the mayor. “So it is not so that the advance was intended as much as possible, participants are to arrest. It’s not a race, but when a group only wants to injure, occurred. How that cop in the video that interprets it, is something else.”

According to Close’s right it’s not that the police in other demonstrations, do not intervene. “There is 900 times per year in Brussels argued, and normally that good. But not always. There is freedom of speech, but when violence against police officers, there should be roughly occurred. In the proof of the yellow bibs last week Saturday, 450 people arrested, so even then there is a loud occurred.”