share of public transport in total traffic after years of Stagnation. Associations of public transport as a result of a study of the need for action and calling for, among other things, new obstacles for the car to drive.
The Association of public transport and the public TRANSPORT information service Litra, which had given the study together with the Federal office for spatial development, in order want, the bottom line is that the proportion of public TRANSPORT use exceeds the objectives of the traffic prospects of the Federal government by 2040. This basic scenario assumes a growth of the public TRANSPORT share to 23 percent. In order to surpass this goal, the study also found a “deterioration of the terms and conditions of the competing means of transport”, i.e. private cars, should be considered.
According to the study, this could cost about by higher Parking, less Parking, lower speed limits and higher petrol prices can be achieved. Also less room for roads and information campaigns consider the authors as a suitable means to influence the choice of means of transport.
Federal government should set a concrete target
For such measures speaks about the Greens national Council, and transport politicians, Michael Swiss. “With a repeal of Parking spaces and car lanes, we create space for public transport,” he says, “20 minutes”. The cost of truth was not given to the motorized individual traffic. In politics, this message is not arrived yet: “The climate issue is left on the page. The Parliament has just approved the extension of capacities for the national roads,” says Swiss. However, this is the wrong way to go. Driving a car should not be more attractive. The Federal government should set a concrete target to increase the proportion of public TRANSPORT use.
Also the Director of the Association of public transport, Ueli Stückelberger, and the CVP national Council, and Litra-President Martin Candinas have outlined measures, such as the proportion of public TRANSPORT use can be brought, after years of Stagnation, is again on a growth course.
“The Federal Council would have in its legislature, the increase of the public TRANSPORT targets-percentage of the total traffic to resume,” says Candinas to “20 minutes”. As a positive example, he cites the Canton of Vaud, which had set itself the target of reducing the proportion of car traffic of today, 73 to 65 percent.
“pay today” We don’t want to play a means of transport against the other,” says Candinas. More expensive Parking is, he sees it as a last measure if the objectives could not be achieved.
“absurd,” referred to the SVP-politician, Walter Wobmann, the idea is to increase the price of the car. “Motorists are already the most,” he says, “20 minutes”. Both the rail, and car traffic would have to be that expanded what was happening. The Federal government don’t need any targets to increase the proportion of public TRANSPORT use, but an Expansion of all infrastructures. The “massive increase in population” impact on all modes of transport, Wobmann.
car mainly in the leisure popular
Litra and Apt also further demands for the increase of public TRANSPORT share, are derived from the study. In particular, they postulate a “good coordination of spatial and transport planning”. Be required, in particular expansion measures are outside the major conurbations, to which the transport policy focus today.
it is Important, furthermore, to strengthen the position of public transport in the leisure mobility. This is because according to the study, many public TRANSPORT require Commuters and in -commuters on the car, if you end up primarily on the weekends, in their spare time.
After a period of growth up to 2005, the share of public transport in total passenger transport stagnated in volume for the past ten years, as Figures from the Federal office for statistics. 13 percent of the roads would be laid back (as of 2015) in public TRANSPORT, motorised individual traffic (MIV) the amount of the share of 50 percent. On kilometres travelled public TRANSPORT share transfer is according to the study, 28 percent, compared to 65% in MIV. (oli/sda)
Created: 28.03.2019, 15:28 PM