– There are a great many who are dissatisfied with the government’s decision to turn off the DR`s transmitters on the FM network, then the DR can only be heard on DAB+.

Pensioners, motorists – just regular people who have an old radio and want to save it.

– It will cost a lot of money for us regular people, if we must buy DAB+ radios for our cars. Between 2000 dkk to 10000 dkk per car (depending on make and model).

– Also, is DAB+, not fully covering the whole country.

so begins Claus CP a letter to the nation! if its the FM radios and the major problem he and many others predict, when Denmark after the plan closes for the FM signal from 2021. the

Claus – who is already back in 2015 created protestgruppen ‘Preserve Denmark’s Radio on the FM network in the future’ – have seen, that there are others who, like him, is been angry over the government’s plans, and he hopes that politicians will listen. And maybe even get on the new thoughts, if Borgerforslaget ‘Preserve the FM-band in Denmark’ must be debated in parliament. Claus’s letter – which he would very much like to have you share certain Facebook – continues thus:

– My brother-in-law from Glostrup was on the visit with me and my family, but they have DAB+ in their car, but they could not hear the radio all the way from Copenhagen to Vejle.

– Has heard of several who are dissatisfied with the DAB+ coverage in Denmark.

– In Norway they have closed for the FM network, with the result; that NRK has lost many listeners and it is difficult to listen to the radio in Norway.

– In Sweden and the united kingdom, they have decided to FM and DAB+ must be run in parallel , as complementary to each other. The hope and wish I will be in Denmark.

– the FM band is super good because it covers the whole country and reiterates the WHOLE of Denmark in a super good quality, and we can receive important traffic when we are running.

– in addition to our 2 newer cars from 2011 and 2012, I also run in a 48-year-old Volvo Amazon with FM radio. In the I hear the FM and the traffic information, and it is important, writes Claus, but what do you mean?

of denmark, Denmark Shall maintain the FM band? No Yes not Have you experienced that the DAB+signal does not work? No, and I actually have DAB+ No Yes, and I actually have DAB+

See result

of denmark, Denmark Shall maintain the FM band? 8% No 90% Yes 2% don’t Know Have you experienced that the DAB+signal does not work? 10% No, and I actually have DAB+ 34% No 56% Yes, and I actually have DAB+

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