“There is no one who has witnessed a drowning, but we are out there looking for someone,” says Andreas Håkansson, insatsledare in Wuhan, and Guangzhou rescue association.

Both the police and fire brigade are on-site at the lake.

” We’re assisting the police to probe the surface, says mr Håkansson.
Superguide to the club on all of the 372 players

SURVEY: How good are the teams in the premier league in 2020.

Carola period of time in quarantine, has had a covid-19

the Artist’s words, if, while I am ill: ”That’s when I knew.”

the Six women, that is Why we are very proud of our vaginas

Four out of ten women in sweden is ashamed • bronze medalist, The 38 ”is A source of strength and energy.”

Others on the programme decision, are: ”A bad thing for Norway,”

China’s part after the coronaupptäckten the laxskärbräda: ”cold shower.”

Schymans response to Mr coronautspel

Politikveteranen of the Swedish approach.

Bekännelsebrevet: ”I have killed Palme”

was He • The, ”It’s so stupid.”
