At 17 today the town hall square in Copenhagen, by all accounts, full of proud håndboldfans, who must pay tribute to their national team.
On Facebook, there is created an event, where more than 3300 håndboldfans have indicated that they will participate in guldfejringen on the town hall square, while some 11,000 Facebook users have indicated that they are interested in participating.
Handball – 27. jan. 2019 – at. 20:38 How can you celebrate gulddrengene in Copenhagen on Monday
At the Copenhagen Police’s press spokesman Riad Tolba reluctant to start guessing of how many pulls have to tip your hat out from hiding and find their way to the town hall square.
we are celebrating by distributing 100 pcs. festive posters of today’s front page with the gulddrengene on Ekstra papiravis.
All you need to do to participate in the competition, is to tell us who you think played best for Denmark during the whole WORLD cup.
Join here.
– There are probably very many people to celebrate it. How many that come, this is conjecture, so we prefer not to out with, he says.
the Police are prepared, that the masses might become so massive, that it is necessary to block the roads.
on Sunday evening visited the men’s team town hall of Herning to be hailed. See or revisit the crazy jubelscener.
– That can come queue, and that can get so many people that we need to block in the area around the town hall square. It is not something that is planned now, but, if necessary, so it will be done, says Riad Tolba.
He calls for the drivers in Copenhagen are running a big arc outside the town hall between the hours of 16 and at 19.
, you Must enter and celebrate the Hansen and the other roots, then recommend to the police, use of public transport.
the DSB stand ready to assist the many håndboldfans to city hall so they can join in the celebration, and information manager Tony Bispeskov welcomes the fact that the celebration is scheduled for the bell 17, then the last in the rush hour.
– We have everything out to run, so the timing is really nice. We are ready to take the many customers, and it also applies to remote and regional trains. Must be a little longer, and comes with regional or Intercity trains, so we are also ready and have made the trains extra long compared to cope with the pressure, there might be, says Tony Bispeskov.
are you Coming in with a regional or Intercity trains, there is just a short walk from the central station to the town hall square. And if you are with a the S-train, you can also get off at Vesterport and take five minutes on foot to reach the town hall square.
Handball – 28. jan. 2019 – at. 09:24 VM-heroes in the big guldrus: the Bar had to keep the morgenåbent
In today’s the rise of the DSB made sure that there is extra staff on to Vesterport Station and central station.
– We have DSB-people out, who notes how the load is on the S-trains. We should be in control of to avoid the creation of situations where people pushes and pushes. Perhaps there may also be someone who needs to ask us for advice, says DSB’s information services manager Tony Bispeskov.
He has one piece of advice, if you need to guldfejringen on the town hall square.
– One should take their time, especially when going home. If many thousands of people must move away from the town hall square, and many are moving towards the trains, there may occur some plugs, if all are going down and have the first possible train. Move quietly down towards the train and give space to your neighbor, sounds from Tony Bispeskov to the VM-mad riders.
At Movia, which operates buses in Copenhagen, says, that the buses despite the celebration will run as normal around the town hall square.
Handball – 28. jan. 2019 – at. 10:23 ‘And it was Denmark!’: How celebrated you WORLD cup-gold?