During a Gustafson was living in an old people’s home in Athens, and the stages of the disease, even before the coronakrisen. A couple of weeks ago, he started puking, had diarrhea, was disoriented, and in my bed.

” He was very, very, very, very bad. The nurse said that they would not be in a covid-19-the test, and on Saturday, we found out that he had been there, ” says Elvings’s daughter, Carina, Tony.

this is the Last time she saw her father only a few days before he passed away. By then, she was outside on his balcony and asked the staff to open the door so they could talk to each other, but no one had the time.

” my Dad saw me, he was lying in his bed, and from then on I started to wave at each other. In the end it was my father who took the initiative and looked at me, and then he just said ”good-bye”.

< Elvings's daughter, Carina, Tony believes that he became infected in the home for the elderly.Photo by: Private the Carina, Tony’s had a special bond with her father During.Photo by: Private in the Family’s greeting to a During before he passed away.Photo by: and Carina Gustafsson / Private and Carina Gustafsson, took leave of his beloved father, through the balcony door of the home for the elderly.Photo by: and Carina Gustafsson / Private Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode READ MORE: , the 96-year-old Shelley was well after the covid-19Irene, 95, died in among the dirty dishes, and the use of diapers,
Irene Gustavsson worked in almost all of his life in a hospital in the Town. She was happy to take in the garden, and I was very concerned about the people in their environment, ” says grandson Bo Gustafsson.

on The 13th of march, the celebrated Irene’s 95 years old. On the same day, shut down her nursing home to the general public.

a Few weeks later, the family got to know that Irene has become poor, and have been tested positive for the corona. Three days later, she walked away. When Martin Gustavsson would be to empty his grandmother’s accommodation, he was in for a shock.

” So, I get a strong odor in the area. There is a lot of drive, dirty, on the floor, it just doesn’t feel like they have been cleaned in a long time. By the time I get in the bathroom, so it is the old diapers in there. We don’t know for how long it has been that way.

He did not feel that he had no proper explanation from the site. He is also puzzled as to how the infection was able to take off in spite of the close down, and it has notified the matter to the Inspectorate of the health and social care.

– Roger Gustavsson died in the corona in a short period of time after 95 years.Photo by: Private By Roger Gustavsson’s granddaughter, He would empty the room, he was greeted by a messy room, and the use of diapers.Photo by: Martin Gustavsson Martin Gustafsson and found, among other things, the clothes and used diapers on the floor of his grandmother’s apartment.Photo by: Martin Gustavsson Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode , Emmanuel, 81, had severe convulsions, – the son, said goodbye through a window

Magnus Brattlöf of Åled have lost a loved one in the coronakrisen. His father, Emmanuel, was a patient at a demensboende in Helsingborg, sweden, and was taken to the hospital after having had severe cramps. When Magnus came to the infektionsmottagningen as he was greeted by the staff, who pointed out that Emmanuel had confirmed the covid-19.

” It was clothing, if I wanted to go, but I decided to actually be on the outside. It wasn’t quite as it had been anticipated that there was going to be. No one would like to die in the corona, it is a horrible death. My dad was on oxygen, and the drug is still more air in, ” says Magnus Brattlöf.

Magnus Brattlöf, is disappointed with the way the crisis was handled: ”It’s horrible that our society has failed to protect the weakest”.Photo by: Private READ MORE: ” the alert from the site: ”to look at when a house is on fire,””The terrible thing is fear”
Torborg High of 89, became ill in april. She followed the news closely, and asked the staff at her assisted living in Västerås, sweden, that did not come up to her face.

” But it did, and so she was very, very upset, tells her grandchild The High.

a Few days later, Torborg delete in the confirmation of the corona.

” The terrible thing is fear, which I shared with her, and there was no-one in his head. She died in the course of, say, The High.

When Torborg He walked away, noted by the physician that the covid-19 was the cause of death. She was 89 years old at the time.Photo by: Private in The He was planning to notify the company of their grandmother’s home to perform the Inspection of the health and social care.Photo by: The High and-Private is a Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode of the Personnel of alarm from inside, and places
the Express newspaper has previously reported that the staff at homes for the elderly have sounded the alarm about an untenable situation – because of the lack of protective equipment, hand made visors that can be re-used multiple times in a system in which the staff of the end of the day, worked with the covid patients, and the following day, with other people.

The High, says that Brattlöf, and Carina Gustafsson is the all critical to how the residents and authorities dealt with the situation. They are planning to do a Mr notice.

” my Father was locked up and isolated all the time. How jösse’s name could he be ill?, ask, and Carina Gustafsson.

” I do not affect to the staff. However, I could see that they had masks or aprons with long sleeves. Sometimes, they had a shield, sometimes they don’t.

Magnus Brattlöf, whose father was the 81-year-old, is convinced that the lack of protective equipment contributed to the high death rate.

” There was a restraining order two months before my dad sjuknade out, so it’s no doubt that the staff have carried him. It had Folkhälsomyndigheten been released, and is recommended to use respiratory protection, gloves, and an apron, I don’t think that at all, we had the spread of infection in the unit.

the Serious flaws of the one in ten activities.

the Inspection of the health and social care has its hands full at the moment. According to the Sofia Wallström, director of The, has been, since the middle of march, got the check about 3 000 sign on to the risk in health and social care.

” About 40 percent are deemed to be of a serious nature. The care of the elderly stand out, and it is the nature of the risk, which is the largest infection prevention and control, ” she said during a press conference on the 27th of may.

With the rise of the cases reported, has The made an oversight of more than a thousand businesses in the in particular, the care of the elderly and found ” the deficiencies of a serious nature, at a tenth of the business.

”at Least 40 per cent are considered to be of a serious nature,”

to SEE MORE, the Staff alarm, the inside of the äldreboendetJobbade without any protective gear, was itself infected, and that: “I was scared to death READ MORE: Is the third home for the elderly in Stockholm, sweden has been an infection. READ MORE:

for two weeks, died in the mid division of the boendetOkända the link between the people

(Family) tells the story of how their paths have met.

his Brother’s anger after the call, using The the President of the republic called the Philonise Was: ”Ignoring me.”

Coronasprickan in the Nordic countries: Division of privileges ( I’ve paid for dearly,” • Tegnell, Their approach, we have broken Greece refuses to accept tourists from Stockholm, sweden

this Country is opening up for the Swedish people.

So in the summer of 2020’s: – the Weather in the months of June, July, August , the Forecast for the months of June, July, August • ”Warmer than it normally is.”

the Mayor’s criticism of Trump’s words, the protests of ”I think the president’s remarks were disgusting.”
