The Great Mosque in Brussels since the end of last month temporarily in the hands of the Moslimexecutieve. The parliamentary commission into the attacks of march 22, had recommended the management of a significant mosque to the Islamic and Cultural Centre of Belgium (ICCB). That would be too close to Saudi Arabia and salafism in our country to promote. But on the first Friday prayers since the Moslimexecutieve the mosque leads, preached a recognized imam who graduated from the islamic university of Medina, only Arabic speaking and paid by the Saudi ministry of islamic affairs. That claims at least the Belgian imam Nordine Taouil. He founded, most recently, an organisation in which a Belgian islam wants to promote.
The problem is, according to Taouil in the direction of the Moslimexecutieve, which takes decisions that are not supported by the muslim community. “Moroccan and Turkish organisations are under the table agreements,” said Taouil.
The Cultural Islamic Center of Belgium (CICB), the organization of Taouil and the Ghent imam Brahim Laytouss, asks for a meeting with the cabinet of Koen Geens, the minister in charge. “We want to ask him questions about the democratic nature of the Moslimexecutieve, but there is not yet to our request for consultation.” The CICB says “external interventions and funding” explicitly reject. “We want to change, and are neutral and pluralist” was at the establishment earlier this year. When that establishment was even said that the CICB candidate is to the Great Mosque to income, but that is according to Taouil is no longer the case.