Also in Pohjois-Savo, new year celebrations include all sorts of caper and violence. Intoxicants probably played a role.The police have enough haste then the middle the different parts of Finland. Stock. Minna noble danger

Police and rescue workers have been busy then in the middle of a different side of Finland. Police releases repeated mention of the busy work.

Eastern Finland police informed of their area of events on Tuesday morning, rocket rumble, I stopped.

the 17-year-old man was driving a scooter in lapland bay, half an hour before the end of the year, when back come the car was started välkytellä their lights. Hiillostaja cut microcars so that the driver had to stop.

Behind the red station wagon model in the Volkswagen Golf -the car stepped a man out and hit a scooter driver in the face. Also another person had come out of the car and hit a scooter driver.

police patrol went to the scene, but the suspects had already left. The case for investigating abuse. The investigation is at an early stage and a motive of the police according to the data yet.

Kick in the country lying on the head

in Kuopio emergency center received a eve evening day half five at the time the notice of a man who beat up the apartment door with an axe in an apartment house petosen on the road.

the Scene past a police patrol waited for the door to break the glass and one for the apartment door damage. The author had had time to remove place.

Case investigation is ongoing and criminal titles to refine the search if necessary. So far, research the damage done.

the night I translated already clearly the end of the current year – the clock at three in the morning I asked a police patrol to Kuopio in the centre of the restaurant to the foreground.

the Ground lay a woman, unconscious.

Another woman was the order of the supervisor held and the patrol found out that the two women had had words with. Another woman had fallen to the ground, when the other had kicked a fallen head.

the Case is investigated as abuse.

kuopio located in Tahko events were of Eastern Finland police release more statements. More here: cheese of the new vuodenyön in jackson, was on several occasions – a quarrel in a cab, in the context of the lead bottle in the head to hit.