The small Central Italian Region of Umbria has experienced in its history many earthquakes, it is located in a seismic Zone. Political quake, however, castle were left high rarely. A half eternity long ruled in Perugia, the capital, unchallenged for the Communists and their heirs. Now the hard right has won the recent regional elections.

Donatella Tesei, 61 years old, a Senator from Matteo Salvini’s Lega and formerly the mayor in the Umbrian Montefalco, is the new region President. Tesei, which was supported by the entire Alliance, and also by the post-fascist Fratelli d’italia and the bourgeois Forza Italia, distanced their rivals, the entrepreneur Vincenzo Bianconi, around twenty percentage points to 57.5 37.5 percent. So clearly no one had expected.

Contes occurs without effect

For Salvini, who had been ousted in the summer after a victim of the political maneuvers of the Power, is a Triumph with a national reputation, a first revenge. He then spoke of a “historic victory”. The government in Rome was down for the count, he said, soon he’ll be back. It was in this regional election: a measure between the new government forces, and Salvini’s Right.

Bianconi was the joint candidate of the Cinque Stelle, the Partito Democratico and the left party of the “Liberi e Uguali”, the reign of Italy. They had called him late, since the race was already pretty hopeless. Even Prime Giuseppe Conte attended a campaign occasion to give the Alliance the new Alliance partner some institutional Gravitas. It has nothing to, perhaps the appearance of Contes was even counterproductive. In the case of all parties involved, one wonders now, whether this coalition was a mistake.

Lega on top, suits for the Five-star movement

With 37 percent of the vote, the Lega is clearly the strongest force in Umbria. Your result is only slightly below that of the European elections in may. Salvini’s favor in the people is so changed since the fall stable. The social Democrats were able to hold on to compared to the recent elections, to some extent, although this ballot was only necessary, after your regional government in a scandal of allegedly unlawfully awarded contracts and Posts in the health sector had been implicated and had to resign. The Five stars are, in turn, broke completely: they brought it to 7.4 percent. In the parliamentary elections in 2018, it won in Umbria 27.5 percent of the votes.

So the complaining is great, especially in the case of the Cinque point. Minister of foreign Affairs, Luigi Di Maio, your boss, within the party in the criticism. One accuses him of, he kumuliere to many Offices and lead the movement so erratic, with ever-new turns. The crash of the Cinque point also hurts Prime Conte. Although not a registered party member. The “Grillini” were it but that lifted him to the top-levels of government. Conte said that he’ll take the defeat – was meant to be: from a great distance. On the fortunes of the national government, they have no influence.

Sure, however, is not. According to their “cold Fusion” in August, as the media call it, have not Cinquestelle and social Democrats found still to each other. They often quarrel over trifles. The Italians did not win the impression, it is a jolt through your country.

Renzi taunts

also Matteo Renzi, the former Prime Minister and former head of the Partito Democratico provides. Since then, he has left the party, and with around forty Parliament Italia Aryans founded Viva, taunts it against all the Comrades and the Grillini.

passes Hardly a week in which the Newspapers do not tell the soon-to-break of the new Cabinet in advance. Renzi didn’t want to take part in the election Alliance in Umbria. She appeared to him as too fragile, not quake safe. Since Salvini had it at the end quite easily.

Created: 28.10.2019, 14:40 PM