Swedish Ebba Kvarnström (21) was the last passenger on the bus when she was going home from the city on the night of Sunday. She had visited a friend and was going home to Torslanda, a short distance outside of Gothenburg, sweden.

Then she found suddenly that the ordinary bussruta had stopped to go for the night, and that it would be a good piece to go home to the house where she lives.

– no problem

When the ride approached the stopped, she felt that she refused to go alone home in the dark. Therefore, she asked the bus driver if it was possible to take a detour, so that she dropped the long walking.

Certainly, no problem. It is important that you get home safely than that I am punctual, was his answer, tell Kvarnström to the Newspaper.

After Kvarnström told the story on a local Facebook group have bussjåførens good deed got a lot of attention, but she don’t know yet who he is.

Big thank you

– I don’t remember his name. I remember that he had two daughters, so he understood how it is to be a concerned parent and said that it is ready to help. I hope he sees all the attention, ” she says.

“I want to give him a big “thank you” for that he understood my situation and put me first. Many are so selfish and it’s not so often you hit on so generous people. It can happen scary things all over the place, it is best to be on the safe side.

Busselskapet which is responsible for public transport in the area, says to Expressen that they will try to find the driver and pass on the message. According to Kvarnström, they have not yet succeeded in getting in contact with him.

bus driver hailed on social media after she drove the length of the detour