Mr Hirschhausen, they are not only a successful Comedian and presenter but also a doctor. What diagnosis you give to the earth?

The earth has a rising fever, and the fever. It belongs to the intensive care unit. She has failure of “multi-organ”, if you count the symptoms, and this is a true emergency. The lungs in the Amazon is cut down, the jet stream-circulation breaks down, the oceans are clogged with plastic and can soon take no more heat. The earth critters a severe infection with a Homo sapiens and other Cattle.

What treatment do you suggest?

waste sorting is not enough. The treatment must focus on several areas, such as energy production, mobility, and nutrition. 100 per cent renewable energy in Germany is technically possible, economically reasonable and ecologically. There are solutions for a long time, there is the political will to implement them is missing. And in fear of the 20,000 jobs in the outmoded and disastrous coal egg dance, instead of that, we are talking about the future opportunities we squander.

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How to make climate protection sexy? Not only for politicians, but for every human being?

If people know what they are doing, and what they do, they behave differently. Less meat to eat is useful, because we teach known to destroy the earth with areas of arable land cleared for feed, and, and, and – everything, but we experience the anywhere. It remains so wonderfully abstract that a calorie from meat, 20 calories need to be fed and not dissolve into thin air, but to be in greenhouse gases – as a Burp, Farts, and feces – in order to change significantly. How would it be if one buys a Kilo of meat in the supermarket and at the checkout then automatically a 20-litre bucket of manure may be given. “So, Mr von hirschhausen, there are today only in the double pack that you have purchased, you will need a lid or the like? A lot of fun at a barbecue!“

… or flies already in the mood for meat. What concrete things that everyone can implement immediately are else?

You could turn on a wear a Sweater instead of the heater, as much as possible with the bike and a change of diet. Also, we should stop a third of the food production to throw away. Worldwide, around two billion people are overweight and one billion undernourished. This is absurd. The a hungry, the other are on a diet, and two groups could go to the health much better. The idea of a “Planetary health Diet” combines what is good for the body, what does the planet good. And this is, above all, less meat, less sugar and dairy products, more vegetables. You can not dictate to the people‘, however ,prescribe‘. Because it can cause seizures million heart attacks and strokes, practically all the major diseases of civilization, if we are moving more and less excess weight to accumulate. We need to stress a lot more, what advantages do we have when we act for the protection of the climate. We need a positive Spirit. There is no Plan B, because there is no earth B. But with the changes it goes in the long term by a gain in quality of life.

What would happen, if we act today?

We are destroying massively our environment, and always continue; it will be questionable whether future generations on our planet may still be alive. There will be wars for water and other resources. We need to rethink, and collective. “After me, the deluge” is the wrong attitude. The heat is worse, already has concrete consequences in the world, but also here. Older people die because they can’t keep the circuit loads. Then many of the tropical infection will spread diseases and go back to Germany: Malaria, Dengue fever or yellow fever, for example. The Asian tiger mosquito moves in Heidelberg and Freiburg. Since the winters are milder and shorter, also allergies extreme. Everything is not funny.

you are in so many foundations and projects involved. Is there ever time for the climate protection? Where is your priority?

The connection between climate crisis and health is my personal priority. I only realized a year or so, which Dimension has the actually. In this case, the is already since many years in international, leading medical journals such as “Lancet-Climate countdown” or “Nature Climate change”.

What have you experienced as a year ago, exactly?

I met Jane Goodall for an Interview with the German sustainability award, and this lady of about 80 years is one of the most charismatic people I’ve ever met. She went as a young woman in the jungle and revolutionized our awareness of the great apes. You introduced me to a Central question: If humans are the smartest species on the planet – why he destroys his own home?

And how have you responded?

I only have three times to swallow, because it’s actually so absurd, that we are the only species that can look into the future and do everything possible not to look! Instead, we buy stuff we don’t need the money and resources of future generations, not to impress people we like. This is clever?

are you in Germany for your Humor. Can you take this serious Situation with Humor?

Yes, you can. I recently made a Facebook Post that I prefer the exhaust gases of Bicycle riders than car drivers breathe in. The man remembers, and the. Not at all, but it is also clear to me that there are defense reflexes.

Apart from the humorous Facebook Posts, you support climate protection with the Association of Scientists for the Future. Last week, you have the names of 23 000 science the “Fridays for Future”Demonstration in Berlin. What do you say to the criticism that the students go to school and instead, on Saturday to strike?

I think it is nonsense to ask the students that you want all of the cocks. The one I experienced, which really goes to what. Pilots are not on strike in your spare time.

you, yourself, Were in the age already on strike, or otherwise politically active?

Yes. I was moved into the age of peace, in the Church and also stood in Wackersdorf on the fence and, after Chernobyl, for the phase-out of nuclear energy demonstrates. Has also worked – with a bit of patience.

it Will give Scientists for the Future, even after the signature of action?

We are overwhelmed by the inlet and the support. The next step will be regional groups. We will stay tuned. There are already a group of Alliance climate change and health, with which I am in close contact. The Charité medical University Berlin and the Potsdam Institute for climate impact research, set up a professorship for the subject. It finally happened something!

How do you use personally for climate protection? Have you switched over to green electricity?

Yes, of course, already more than ten years ago.


I’m a train driver. But occasionally I fly. Private I drive a VW Diesel. No man has to be perfect, to be allowed to raise his voice.

Pay you then at least for each flight, a CO2 balance?

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“Fridays for Future” in Berlin, The climate is the protection of the incorrect hour value

Selina Bettendorf

of Course. I am also an Ambassador of Atmosfair. I think it’s important that you get in search engines, if you are looking for a cheap holiday flight, in addition to the costs of establishing a CO2 indication. When I see a flight at the same price has a higher balance, it would be a good criterion to take the one that hurts less. A study has shown that people choose when they buy food differently, if you know how much carbon dioxide is in there. If I want to buy a meat soup instead of a vegetable soup, but a ten Times worse CO2 balance, I think again, whether you actually tastes ten times as good.